I’ve got a bazillion of awards during the last century weeks. Sadly my staff embezzled all my trophies, because they grudged me my prizes. I’ve found all my awards hidden in an edge of my cabinet…
and I’ve got another award from NYLABLUE, it’s the VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARD in GREEN! my favorite color!
THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I will pass this awards to all of you!
It feels so good to know that you have friends in Blogville who like you, who are there for you and who will share good things and bad things with you. Thanks for your help, your hints, your comments! Thanks for make me laughing, thanks for sharing even your grief and your worries with me. Thanks for inviting me on places I never saw, for your kindness and for inviting me to funny competitions, teasers and events, even when I didn’t won THE BRA. Thanks for being a part of my life, thanks for being like my family.
The TAG-game is like to get an award but without an award. You have to tell something about you and you have to answer questions and you can tag other Bloggers with asking new questions to them and you will get a million too – cool huh?
1. Post these rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and eleven random facts about you.
1. I hate lamb chops
2. I like bird pooh
3. mom hates spinache
4. dad loves spinache
5. dad hates mom’s trashure-store(VEHEMENT!)
6. we like NAVY-CIS
7. mom cried as “The Closer” was “closed”
8. Dad is a fan of “The Mentalist”
9. – 11. – I’ve told so much about us – no idea what I could tell..
3. Answer the questions given to you in the tagger’s post.
see below
4. Create eleven new questions and tag new people to answer them.
see below
5. Go to their blog/Twitter and let them know they’ve been tagged.

1. What’s you’re favorite color?


2. What is you’re worst vice?

For me: I like it to destroy things. For mom: being a moneywaster ,for dad: smoking

3. Have you ever wished upon a star?

NO! Such a star-thingy can have a temperature of 45.000 °K – that’s like the hot chair…

4. Do you like the sound of you’re voice?

Me: YEAH! Mom: NO! (I agree) Dad: YEAH!

5. Do you agree that pudding is awesome?

Absolutely. Best is a Vanilla pudding with worked in cocoa powder. A perfect recipe for all who dislike Chocolate pudding, like my mom :o)

6. If not, why???

yeah… why not?!

7. Can you touch you’re tongue to you’re nose?

I can. And I can even touch other bodyparts with my tongue, which should be unnamed here. The staff can’t they are clumsy.

8. Can you burp the alphabet?

No. But my mom tried to burp “The Eye of the Tiger”(from Survivor) as she was a teen. Sadly after the intro the soda came out through all orifices and she “ralphed”. No wonder that she hasn’t a boyfriend , which boys would like a girl who is totally unmusical?

9. Do you like the smell of fresh cut grass?

Of course! And I like my green feet too!

10. Do you feel bad that I am struggling to come up with these last couple questions?


11. How often do you wash you’re hair?

me: only on christmas Mom: too often Dad: by command of Mom , so too often too

Now I have to tag other Bloggers, if you have time and if you want to answer my questions (NO problem if not) here are my nominees:










What’s the worst thing you had to eat?

Do you like TV-commercials?

Have you ever wrote a love letter to a celebrity?

What’s your favorite movie?

Do you like car driving by night?

What’s your favorite ice cream?

What’s the first thing you do in the morning?

Do you had posters on your wall as you were a Teenager? Which?

Can you play a musical instrument? Which one?

If you were a teenager, would you join in casting shows?

Do you prefer to listen music or watching tv or nothing to fall asleep?

At last specially for Bacon a picture of the cow socks (beheaded):






About easyweimaraner

Weimaraner /Braque de Weimar, born in 2009, male & fabulous From: Britanny / France Likes: Plushtoy-Shredding, Spikebones,long distance Walks, everyday a Gift, Chicken, Shoes, Underwear, my squeekie Pig & my whole Life Dislikes: Water, Cats, Beaf, Cats, cleaning my Ears, Cats, the Vet, Cats, Snow & CATS! Profession: Student of psychological War-technics & Terrorism, after my Masterdegree i become to rule the world or maybe to be the owner of toys r us. actually i'm not sure... Status: Single Pets: Hell, NO! i prefer a petfree home. but owner of two slaves for my comfy Misc.: Greencardowner for Masterbed, Master of Beggin, Prince of Thiefs We decided to leave Easy's datas as they were... although we lost him in november 2016, he is still with us.... and his little brothers Phenny and Nelly promised to write on not as Easy the weim, but as easy Weimaraner... About us: Mr. Phoenix, born 9/9/2016 a virgo and always clever&smart...Neilson, born 7/28/2017 a leo who thinks he is clever&smart...

69 responses »

  1. Big congratulations Easy, we have a collection hiding in the draw too, and we were tagged.BOL.. I can reach all parts with my tongue except my ears..I think wez need to do sum ink with my new bra I’m getting..BOL xxooxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  2. We’re not surprised to hear of all your awards, dear Easy – each and every one well deserved. We have a shameful suitcase too…

  3. Concatulations on your bazillion awards Easy!!!! Loved your questions and answers – I’m always learning something NEW about my Weimie-Pal! Looks like you truly killed those cow socks and frankly I think you did it not a moment too soon. Nobody wants cow socks wandering around their house…..! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

    • Oh Sammy, mom was very angry she placed them for taking a picture and I thougt it’s an offer. Her fault if you ask me, she should learn the doggy-language (with uncle Gerards dictionary).

      • Easy you’d better hide the dictionary under her pillow tonight – maybe while she sleeps she’ll magically ABSORB all the words and definitions and know in future what leaving cow socks OUT means!!


      • that would be funny when she speaks like uncle Gerard – but I’m not sure if she will be socially acceptable :o)

  4. PigLove says:

    Congratulation and thanks. Snort – beheaded cows – I absolutely love that! You are such a delight Easy and you are the bestest Barky friend ever!! XOXO – Bacon

  5. Your mom is my hero, and we would have been best buddies in school.

  6. Goose says:

    Easy I do not know how you, or your staff, keep up with all the awards you get. Congratulations brother. Those socks are “utterly” cool.

    • Thanks Goose, sadly they have no utter, so nothing with chocolate pudding :o).. but now they have a nice hole and mom can scratch her feet without removing the sock, cool huh?

  7. dogloverofmax@gmail.com says:

    Easy you are just the best and I loved learning more about you! Your Mom does need to work on her musical burping though 😉 I was dying laughing at that one as I used to do the alphabet that way to embarrass my sister 🙂

  8. fozziemum says:

    Congratulations Easy and what a great awardensday blog 🙂 awards are cool my mum got one for Apple pie (yum) and Apple cake and thats about it for mum 🙂

  9. It’s easy for those awards to stack up. Congratulations Easy!

  10. Wow Easy congratulations on your awards Easy so well deserved. We have copied the tags and let’s hope the servant doesn’t forget about them. We have computer problems at the moment. Cyber malfunction that is doing our heads in. Have a wonderful Wednesday and so dead some more socks.
    Best wishes Molly

  11. sheltiebeauties says:

    Congratulations on your fantastic award, Easy! I pretty like your answers. I just don’t understand why most Moms like to wash their hair. Well, I don’t but she insists that I must have once every two weeks.


    • Thanks :o) I have no clue Eva. Maybe that’s why they aren’t rolling themself on grass or in special things ? One one hand they want to wash their fur but otherwise they use an umbrella if it rains – that’s a miracle…

  12. Madi and Mom says:

    Morning Easy,
    Mom says she might be a distant relative of your peeps cause she
    Loves NAVY-CIS
    It took her months to get over “The Closer” was “closing”
    She is a huge Simon Baker fan and loves “The Mentalist” too
    Oh and most of all she likes your comment about the gremlins coming in at night sewing the clothes tighter. She will be buying gremlin traps today!!
    Hugs madi your BFFF

    • Oh be careful with the traps – don’t feed a gremlin after midnight LOL IT’s really a shame that “The Closer ” is closed now, isn’t it? Maybe they want me as a stand in? Could be difficult there is a kitty on the set too :O)

  13. Thank you, Easy, for having relieved a small degree of the guilt with which I am currently ridden. I keep getting awards and tags and things and promising myself to get round to posting the stuff and then, well, I get distracted (kind of like you if there’s something around worth chewing on – you can’t be expected to do a post when you can chew on something).

    • haha then we are siblings for this – we always said: tomorrow we will do it, but tomorrow wasn’t really tomorrow it was the tomorrow after some weeks – but at least we did it – YAY!

  14. Frankie and Ernie says:

    CONGRATS on the 87 Bazillion Awards. You Deserved them buddy.

  15. catchatcaren says:

    Easy congratulations on all of these WONDERFUL and WELL DESERVED awards!Guess what? Mom’s favorite color is GREEN too! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  16. Congrats on so many awesome awards…and I was crackin’ up readin’ your answers.
    I wanna comment on what you said bouts bloggin’…perfect words. I has nevers laughed so hard at some of da blogs, they always make me in a better mood when I comes to see my furineds. Then my whole outlook magically changes. And thank you fur bein’ my furiend.


  17. Kyla says:

    I agree-bird poo is good eats.

  18. Brian says:

    Congrats on the nice awards Easy and you did a terrific job on those answers!

  19. congrats on all the super awards, Easy. Great answers and awesome questions:) Mom and Dad both love The Mentalist too, but they were disappointed in the finale this season.

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  20. Congratulations on your awards, E. The beheading of the cow socks is tragic.

    Love and licks,

  21. rebecca2000 says:

    Aww you deserve it. You are a part of a big family!

  22. Misaki says:

    Congrats Easy!! Love your answers:-)

  23. Zena says:

    thanks for the laugh Easy and I agree about the cow socks, how often have we been given cow toys to play with, who would have thought they were for a photo… Even I could have succumbed!
    Thanks for tagging me, I’ll get back to that as soon as The Help is able 🙂

  24. Many congratulations Easy, you deserve them all!! I sure love your green chin in the photos from Monday, it really suits you.. no wonder it’s your favorite color! xo

  25. tylersat99 says:

    Congratulations on your awards Easy and making us laugh every week. Looks like you gave yourself a sock award !

  26. Max's Mom says:

    Easy we just wanted to pop by to say a special thanks to you for you sweet words about Carly – I really appreciate you! So great to have such good blogger buddies!

  27. kolytyi says:

    Is that pair of socks the first item of your (hopefully) award-winner summer collection? The staff should appreciate that you are one of the greatest contemporary fashion designers!

  28. Big congrats to you!

  29. Uh oh has Maia been to your house chewing up socks 😉

    Congrats on your awards!

  30. Clowie says:

    Congratulations on your awards? What happened to that sock, BOL?

    • Thanks Clowie… the sock is on the way to sockheaven I think – but if you ask me, they were perfect. Who wouldn’t like socks with holes for airconditioning?

  31. LifeOfBun says:

    It shows that your favorite color is green in your posts.. 😀 somehow to grab for that color a lot in texts I feel, and yellow too? So you’re more on that side of the color wheel huh!

  32. Nylabluesmum says:

    Yow easy…me iz glad ya liked yer Award!!! me n Mum iz gonna have to copy n pastey da questshunz n do a reply blog 😉
    Mum just finished typin our newest blog so we will get to yer questshunz soon!!! You are so so handsum n cute n full of mischief n lubly!!!!
    Nylablue n Sherri-Ellen xo

    • Thanks Nylablue – I hope your paws aren’t blue with cold with your mayvember in canada …

      • Nylabluesmum says:

        Yoe Easy: Me waz out fer an hour today (Sunday) but me pawz were feelin cold even wif blankiez wrapped around da Condo!!! So Mum brought me in, blue pawz n all n now me iz gonna to me bed by da heater!! 😉
        Lub ya, Nylablue xo

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