…and greetings from CARNAC.

I was there with my staff and my grandpawrents to count the more than 3000 menhirs they have there…

…butt furst we had to manage the town-challenge, because all tourists of the world were there the same day like me…

…. and while the mama looked for a wee-wee-box, I solved that problem the weim-way… the mama not… 16 (in words SIXTEEN!!) people in a row… that was too much so the mama compressed  her legs  and scampered through that town…

hey wait a moment.., I hear something…

….ooooh muzak….think that is the water-polka, right the mama?

…and finally the water-polka was drowned out by the muzak of the waves…. good feeling if you feel the same need like the mama hehe…

…..butt nevertheless it was impressing to see the endless ocean…

… the beach …

…and the rocks…

…and the thumb of the mama…

…. there also was a monument for the heroes of long gone times…

…and a sign, that one armed swimmers are allowed, also firefighters and people who need a wee-wee-box, butt no dogs, booze and matches…. weird, huh?

…the mama immediately took the chance to enter that box while I waited with my daddy near that rocks…

…see she can smile again now…

like the granny who felt the same need… and only 8 people in da row before them, yay!

…we then walked along that beach and I met a lot of people, bikes, screaming kids and dogs..

…. and I also made a new friend…

… he said his name is Down Under…

…or Door Under and he showed me the way to that menhirs..

…they were there and I could not write messages on that stones, because we had to walk outside of the fenced stone-area…

…. they are pee-hysteric or something like that and  I started to count them…

…but while we walked along that fence…

…we saw more and more of that howly stones…

…there was no end…

…and we wonder why they are there and why the old celtic druids planted all this stones there…

…after we were stoned enough we waddled back to the cars…

… and after we found the way out of an ocean of cars, people, bikers, roller bladers, wheelbarrow pushers, skate boarders and prams, we were happy to be on the way home…

to see the beach just from far away and to be jammed between a gazillion of people is not really funny…

…it’s more a circus…

…like the idea to visit that tourist trap in august where the whole world is there…






About easyweimaraner

Weimaraner /Braque de Weimar, born in 2009, male & fabulous From: Britanny / France Likes: Plushtoy-Shredding, Spikebones,long distance Walks, everyday a Gift, Chicken, Shoes, Underwear, my squeekie Pig & my whole Life Dislikes: Water, Cats, Beaf, Cats, cleaning my Ears, Cats, the Vet, Cats, Snow & CATS! Profession: Student of psychological War-technics & Terrorism, after my Masterdegree i become to rule the world or maybe to be the owner of toys r us. actually i'm not sure... Status: Single Pets: Hell, NO! i prefer a petfree home. but owner of two slaves for my comfy Misc.: Greencardowner for Masterbed, Master of Beggin, Prince of Thiefs We decided to leave Easy's datas as they were... although we lost him in november 2016, he is still with us.... and his little brothers Phenny and Nelly promised to write on not as Easy the weim, but as easy Weimaraner... About us: Mr. Phoenix, born 9/9/2016 a virgo and always clever&smart...Neilson, born 7/28/2017 a leo who thinks he is clever&smart...

42 responses »

  1. Crowds…too many elbows fur my peeps…and too much of a leggy furest, huh, Phenny?!

    Those rocks looked so dry…but I guess you already gave some other things your spawsial Weim-Water.

    Sorry that your Mama had to do that other kind of Wee-Wee dancing…petcretary knows how that is…sigh…maybe they should have put up some more of those privacy pawlease boxes when they knew hoards of peeps would be there…

  2. All dose peeps – I woulda probably growled most of em.

  3. Not a fan of crowds either Phenny! We can totally relate! Love all of your photos…the beach looks very nice. Mama can relate to the predicament that your mama was in! That is the WORST! Glad she was finally able to fix that problem!

  4. Oh Carnac. Gail says she was taken there when she was age seven and her family were holidaying near Concarneau. At the time she found the menhirs a lot less interesting than the beach!
    Really humans are a bit stupid aren’t they? I mean, they provide us pups with so many pee spots – lamp posts, fences, car tyres etc. – yet see to woefully neglect their own needs.
    Toodle pip!

  5. Wow……lookit all those rockplants – everywhere! What a sight that is indeed but most interesting too. Sorry your Mama had to search for a not-so-busy litterbox to use but I suppose when tourists are everywhere, litterboxes are in short supply. The Weim-way is much better but a little more awkward for humans. Looks like you had fun while you were there even though you weren’t allowed to be a beach bum. I see that not only was there a photo with your Mom’s thumb, but also one with your Dad’s thumb! Your parents take great thumb-shots!!!!!

    Love, Teddy

  6. We try to avoid the flocks of hoomans also. 😉
    So, is this a French Stonehenge? Love the beach, but only when dogs are allowed. Screaming, poopy children are, why not dogs?😜

  7. Emmadog says:

    My mom is not a crowd fan which is one reason we took our little trip during the week. I was hoping you got to swim, but those awful no dogs signs were present.

  8. Hari OM
    OMD, I was crossing my legs just thinking how it must have been for the mama and all that seeking and waiting for a peebox. Had a similar experience myself recently. I had to play ‘camel’ till we got home! Lovely to have an outing with your grampies though and to see all that history…hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. Lee and Phod says:

    What fun is a beach without dogs and booze and matches?
    Glad your mom founds the loo.

  10. I’ve only been to Paris, but wish I could have seen more of France. I’m glad you share so many pictures!

  11. Ranger says:

    “Down Under”…. BOL!

  12. Piglove says:

    Oh brother what a beautiful place to visit! We love it. And just to think that somewhere over that ocean far, far away, I sit looking in your direction. What a small world we live in. XOXO – Bacon

  13. Looks like a beautiful place to visit…if you don’t have to pee.

  14. Madi and MOm says:

    Da Phenny the hunt for the menhirs was full of nooks and crannies and down under friends. Ohhh we liked to colorful clown float. And we see Grandpa’s ouchy finger is still healing. We loved seeing your grandpawrents too
    Hugs madi your bfff

  15. Christine says:

    What a beautiful place with such rich history

  16. Kismet says:

    Darn it. You’ve gone and done it. I can’t get Charles Trenet out of my head. La mer …..

  17. Two French Bulldogs says:

    You sure do go to cool places that even play polka! Ok that freaky clown scared us
    Lily & Edward

  18. Nylabluesmum says:

    Mew mew mew LadyMum sayss shee can relate to Lady Katty’ss dill-emma because shee all wayss has to tinkle when shee iss NOT near a bathroom….
    An shee sayss shee can feel ‘her teethss floatin’…what a funny sayin!
    Thee pee-hiss-torick stones are way kewl Phenny!! You get to take sum grate day tripss mee furend….
    **nose rubsss** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

  19. Dolly the Doxie says:

    Very nice trip I think! Everything is so much older over there you’ll only see something from the 1700s out east. Loved the ocean and all the rocks too bad you couldn’t leave any peemail. Reminded me of the stone forest in China. Love Dolly

  20. I am sorry but I am DYING laughing!! You DO go to super interesting places but you describe them in a way that I am DYING LAUGHING!!! xoxo

  21. What a beautiful place to visit and take a pee! LOL! You photos are gorgeous.

  22. Brian says:

    The ocean and the beach sure look wonderful Phenny!

  23. What a beautiful place ! We bet that for a short while, the ladies room was the most interesting spot of the area for your mom, LOL ! Too bad that dogs were not allowed on the beach… Purrs

  24. Deziz World says:

    Dat place sure was busy Phenny. We sure felt bad fur your mommy. Dat’s da way it always goes fur us girly’s. Longer lines than we can hold it fur. MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  25. The OP Pack says:

    How fun to go exploring with your grandparents too! We would love to see the ocean but we live too far away:(. Enjoy your visit.

    Woos – Lightning and Misty

  26. You always have the bestest adventures, Phenny. My mom gets cranky when she has to GO too!

  27. Bella, Roxy and Dui says:

    We think the moral to this story might be ‘visit in the Off Season!’

  28. Too many tourists can be annoying, P, but it’s good that so many people and critters got to see your handsomeness. The more the better. That garden of stones is epic! I wonder if the stones will have grown bigger next time you go….

    Love and licks,

  29. Oh my it is so hard to wait for a pee box and that big clown would have scared the pee out of our mom BOL!
    Hazel & Mabel

  30. Princess Leah xxx says:

    Lovely scenery there Phenny.
    Its not funs having to cross your paws when you need to go potty is it Mama
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx
    PeeS Mum is grumbling about all the tourists in London getting in her way when she’s dashing for the train!

  31. dorysbackyard says:

    OMD..Someone must have planted lots of rock seeds…that is quite a crop!

    Thanks for taking us with you on your adventure, Phenny!!
    Jakey & Arty

  32. Amy says:

    I see the French still behead people – or clowns. If I remember right, August is the national month of vacation for the French, n’est pas?

  33. Jan K says:

    Hmmm…yes, maybe not the best idea. But we would have been OK until that huge creepy clown head went by on the truck! LOL

  34. Foley Monster, Pocket and River Song says:

    What a fantastic walk. I swear you take the best walks. I loved meeting Down Under. A perfect name

  35. What a beautiful adventure, your very lucky that you get to go with on such cool trips.

  36. That sure is one heck of a lot of menhirs!

  37. We watched the show Dolmen about ancient menhirs…they are truly fascinating. There were no wee boxes or one armed swimmer signs on that show that we could see though. 😇Nice to see your travels with the grand pawrents. Happy trails.

  38. You’d think that scary looking clown would have kept everyone away. That thing is creepy even by clown standards…

  39. Hello dear furiends. Once again thank you for taking us on your holiday! Mom and I loved the pictures. My Mom and Dad are old and simply don’t enjoy going places with lot of people. That takes all the fun right out it for my Mom. I’m not a big fan of lots of people either to be honest. Keep those holiday and travel pictures coming we love going along with you and your family.

  40. zeil16 says:

    Great that you got to see Carnac too. It is a special place

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