Yesterday I learnt, that  two friends had to go …



My heart is as heavy as a rock and I can’t find the words I would like to say…

When grief is deepest, words are fewest…

-Ann Voskamp –


About easyweimaraner

Weimaraner /Braque de Weimar, born in 2009, male & fabulous From: Britanny / France Likes: Plushtoy-Shredding, Spikebones,long distance Walks, everyday a Gift, Chicken, Shoes, Underwear, my squeekie Pig & my whole Life Dislikes: Water, Cats, Beaf, Cats, cleaning my Ears, Cats, the Vet, Cats, Snow & CATS! Profession: Student of psychological War-technics & Terrorism, after my Masterdegree i become to rule the world or maybe to be the owner of toys r us. actually i'm not sure... Status: Single Pets: Hell, NO! i prefer a petfree home. but owner of two slaves for my comfy Misc.: Greencardowner for Masterbed, Master of Beggin, Prince of Thiefs We decided to leave Easy's datas as they were... although we lost him in november 2016, he is still with us.... and his little brothers Phenny and Nelly promised to write on not as Easy the weim, but as easy Weimaraner... About us: Mr. Phoenix, born 9/9/2016 a virgo and always clever&smart...Neilson, born 7/28/2017 a leo who thinks he is clever&smart...

58 responses »

  1. Clowie says:

    I’m very sad to hear this. I’ll stop by their blogs.

  2. What can I say? I hate to hear of these horrible happenings. Everyone is so sad and hurt. May Sugar and Nellie always live on in our hearts.

    Shoko, Kali and mom Jean

  3. Mrs P says:

    So sorry to hear of Nellie’s & Sugars passing, my thoughts are with their families 😦

  4. Oh Phenny my friend I’m sorry you have lost two of your friends……there’s no heartache like that of loss of someone dear………..we send you a hug to help.

    Love, Angel Sammy and Teddy

  5. It’s so hard to lose a friend. Prayers for all who loved Nellie and Sugar.

    Love and licks,
    Cupcake and Mom

  6. niasunset says:

    I am sorry too, Da Phenny, prayers for them and for their families, I send my love and hugs to you, nia

  7. Emmadog says:

    It truly was a very sad and shocking day. Hugs to their parents who will miss them so dearly.

  8. I am so sorry Phenny. So sad to see friends leave us. Sorry for their family. The quote is so true. I am always left without words for the grief of all who lose their pets and dear friends and family.

  9. Losing our friends is so hard 😦

  10. cecilia07 says:

    Oh no Da Phenny I did not know about Nellie. I am so very sorry that beautiful kitty crossed. One thing for sure Sugar and Nellie walked over the bridge with a spring in their step and healthy bodies….I hope and purr both families can soon remember all the good times they shared w these two beautiful ladies
    Hugs Madi your bffff

  11. cecilia07 says:

    Dear me I did not look at the photos closely…I thought it was Nellie the kitty. But i see it was beautiful Nellie the dog. The words I wrote still apply to beautiful dog Nellie
    Hugs Madi

  12. Reilly-Denny Cowspotdogs says:

    we are so sad to read of Sugar leaving us – she had the most wonderful life though

  13. Christine says:

    I mourn with you Phenny

  14. Goose says:

    I feel the same way Da Pheeny. Momma and my heart is heavy and words escape me as well.

  15. Amy says:

    The year has certainly not started out any better than last year ended. I am sorry you have lost these friends, and send my heartfelt sympathy to their families.

  16. Brian says:

    Such a sad, sad day my friend.

  17. Hari OM
    it is always the way that we don’t hear anything for a while, then lots happens at once. ..So sorry to hear of these departures, but am sure the rainbow is just that bit brighter today. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  18. Mana and I are so very sorry !

  19. It’s been a rough couple of months! So sad to read this.


  20. zeil16 says:

    So sorry,


  21. Dolly the Doxie says:

    Thank you for a lovely tribute to Nellie and Sugar. Sugar was my BFF, I knew her and her mom Roslyn they lived in the NW suburbs of Chicago so we would go on outings together. She was an amazing dog and I loved her very much. Mom knows that if we see Roslyn again that I’ll be looking for her Sugar not understanding that she’s gone. Love Dolly

  22. Anarette says:

    Oh that’s so sad. We will all think about you and your friends. Lots of hugs, ZAB

  23. grannyK says:

    So sad. Good thoughts to all who lost friends and fur babies.

  24. Love you Katty, Mark and phenny!!! Thank you!!!!

  25. So sad! Warm hugs to you my friends.
    Kosmo and his family.

  26. I know just how you feel. My heart is broken for Sugar’s and Nellie’s families too. I will miss their sweet faces in Blogville. Hugs and puppy kisses to you, Mama Katty and Daddy Mark from me, Shadow, and Ducky. 💞💞

  27. Kismet says:

    2017 had a bad start and now it’s coming in pairs????

  28. We share your grief and offer our deepest condolences to Sugar and Nellie’s family. They will both be sorely missed. 💔

  29. It sure is a sad week in Blogville.

  30. The OP Pack says:

    A tough week for too many. So very sad. Soft woos and gentle hugs to the families of two beautiful treasures.

    Woos – Lightning and Misty

  31. Saying goodbye is one of the saddest things ever.


  32. dorysbackyard says:

    Our hearts are also very heavy…

  33. I’m so sorry. Hugs.

  34. We’re sorry for the loss of your furriends. Purrs

  35. So sad to lose our friends but at least they have support from Blogville.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  36. saymber says:

    Much love to you all, Nellie and Sugars families and all who loved them. May be my Amber, Sam and Blondie were there to greet them across the bridge. Hello is so much easier to say than Goodbye.

  37. carentaylor says:

    So very sorry to read this sad news xx

  38. edgar62 says:

    So very sad and so very sorry to hear this. All our thoughts go with the families of Sugar and Nellie, I know in my heart that they will both be sadly missed.

  39. Jan K says:

    Too much sadness and loss….our hearts break for them.

  40. LB Johnson says:

    We had not yet had the pleasure of meeting Nellie and are sad now that opportunity is gone. May memories comfort her family. Sugar will be deeply missed, reading about her was a daily part of our life.

    Abby Lab

  41. KB says:

    So very very sad. It is hard to find any words for it.

  42. Nellie says:

    My eyes is leaking! Mes is going to miss both if these wonderful woofies!
    Kisses and hugs to yous, and to Nellie and Sugar’s families.
    Nellie Bellie

  43. We were so sad to hear that Sugar left for the Bridge. We didn’t know Nellie but are sending her family and Sugars purrs and prayers
    The Florida Furkids

  44. MrJackFreckles/Pipo & Minko says:

    So sorry that you had to say goodbye to your good furends.
    ((((( ♥ )))))

  45. Sugar was one of our first blog friends and long ago Sugar and Pip met. She was a sweet girl and I will so miss her smiling face.

  46. It was a very sad week to be a blogger. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families. ♥

  47. Bichonpawz says:

    We grieve with you Phenny….it has been such a difficult week. May they both Rest In Peace.

  48. Tink and I are very sorry to hear this news, Phenny. There is nothing we can say to make it better, but we want you to know that you are in our hearts and in our prayers. Tink will get the news to his cousins on Rainbow Bridge so that they will keep an eye out for Sugar and Nellie, show them around and introduce them to new friends until we all meet there to cross over the Bridge together.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
    ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
    “It takes a village to transform a world!”

  49. We’re so sorry you had lost your two furriends, Phenny. Soft Pawkisses to you all ❤ ❤ ❤

  50. Loosing a dog is hard. They take a piece of your heart with them.

  51. Nylabluesmum says:

    Mee snedss mee sympaffiess to Sugar’ss an Nellie doggies furamilleess! May Sugar an Nellie run free inn Pure Land an may their Hu’manss find comfert inn their memoreess!!
    Sincerely, Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

  52. We were sad to hear about Nellie and Sugar. 😦

  53. Lavinia Ross says:

    I am saddened to hear of the loss of these two pups. Wishing their families peace and good memories of them during these hard times.

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