Our furst adventure led us to LAKE SAMMY


… and Bashful furst read the instruction sign at the entrance before we entered that area…


… it was friggin’ cold outside and we had to run a little  before we ended frozen…


and then we watched the ice skating compawtition of da waterberds…


… I offered Bashful a furst row seat, butt the waterberds were boring and so we walked to the tree where the little kitty stone with Sammys name sits high above between two branches…


Bashful had a rock chat with the kitty stone and they shared the newest gossips and stories of da stoned world…


I waited next to da tree because I’m not even 5 months old and way to young for rocking stories…


Butt Bashful is a true friend and told me efurrything… even the granulous details… hehehehehe


…  we then watched the ice bergs on the lake and Basful told me that the second one from the left is the one who collided with that Titanic ship once… that can be… it’s big enough, I think…


… the temperatures became iceberg-like too and so Bashful hopped in the pocket of the mama and we went home  to ponder about some new locations and events we want to visit together during the next days…


…on the way home we stopped at the church, what technically is the chapel of St. Yves, to do some research…and we found out that it is NOT for sale, because the owner needs no money … butt we also found out some things about the building…

The chapel is from ~ 1050,  dedicated to Saint Yves, defender of the poor and orphans,  patron of the lawyers. As early as 1581, important works were undertaken by the parishioners to restore part of the building. But money being scarce, the stained glass behind the altar is not replaced and the bay simply walled. In his will of September 16, 1719, Vicar Yves Lusse requested that part of his inheritance be used to feed the sick and the needy, the rest to be used to install a hospital in the chapel.

Maybe we can twist and wriggle the last will of Vicar Yves Lusse that it fits to the dream of the mama? I will ponder with Bashful about  some mighty fine arguments…. maybe St. Yves is with us…




About easyweimaraner

Weimaraner /Braque de Weimar, born in 2009, male & fabulous From: Britanny / France Likes: Plushtoy-Shredding, Spikebones,long distance Walks, everyday a Gift, Chicken, Shoes, Underwear, my squeekie Pig & my whole Life Dislikes: Water, Cats, Beaf, Cats, cleaning my Ears, Cats, the Vet, Cats, Snow & CATS! Profession: Student of psychological War-technics & Terrorism, after my Masterdegree i become to rule the world or maybe to be the owner of toys r us. actually i'm not sure... Status: Single Pets: Hell, NO! i prefer a petfree home. but owner of two slaves for my comfy Misc.: Greencardowner for Masterbed, Master of Beggin, Prince of Thiefs We decided to leave Easy's datas as they were... although we lost him in november 2016, he is still with us.... and his little brothers Phenny and Nelly promised to write on not as Easy the weim, but as easy Weimaraner... About us: Mr. Phoenix, born 9/9/2016 a virgo and always clever&smart...Neilson, born 7/28/2017 a leo who thinks he is clever&smart...

57 responses »

  1. edgar62 says:

    Certainly looks cold. 1050 – that’s pretty old but perhaps there is room for negotiation. After all, it would be providing a service to the community- even the lawyers.

  2. Careful DP, Bashful has a host of raunchy stories! Grow up slowly 😀

  3. What a lovely place to go walkies, pawfect fur a 5 month old pup to romp around
    What an interesting Chapel, is it decorated inside?
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. The church is so old, and great. All old buildings have something so interesting, they have seen so much and have their own secrets.
    Lake Sammy is wonderful place for wandering. The air is very clear, it means cold. You live in a beautiful area.

  5. Clowie says:

    I can’t quite figure out how someone can be a defender of the poor and orphans, while being the patron of lawyers – perhaps lawyers were different in his day?

  6. Such a beautiful day to go for a walk with Bashful to Lake Sammy! Looks cold but at least the sun was out to melt some of those Titanic-sinking icebergs…..That church is so beautiful and I hope that somehow your Mama’s dream of making it a sanctuary for animal-lovers and those who want to have memorial services or just friendly get-togethers will somehow happen. It would be amazing. I think St. Yves would approve.

    Love and Hugs, Angel Sammy

  7. DailyMusings says:

    such a lovely place to go for a walk Phenny! Maybe you will get a new coat to keep you warm on the walks, and Momma will also have to buy a new coat too 🙂

  8. That looked like a very chilly walk! The church is beautiful! I love all the ivy growing on it. Maybe the owners would donate it to you and the community? Dare to dream….

  9. Good start getting Bashful out in the weather. In case he visits the grass sometimes, be careful where you leave your pee mail, P.

    Love and licks,

  10. Emmadog says:

    Have fun taking Bashful on adventures around your area. You can discover new things together.

  11. What a nice walk you had with your parents and Bashful! The church is beautiful and we really hope that somehow your mom’s dream will come true!

  12. This is a sweet post with Bashful visiting Lake Sammy and watching the waterberds! I hope your Mama’s dream comes true!

  13. indyandlucy says:

    What a cool place to visit.

  14. Amy says:

    Da Phenny, you are most intent on watching the water birds, like you want to jump in the water after them. You would change your mind quickly once you felt the ice water on your belly! That chapel has an interesting history. Your Mamma might be able to do something with it yet!

  15. lapaylor says:

    oh! I love love love old stone buildings. I touch the stones to feel their energy. I imagine what they’ve seen. What a dream to own such a place. LeeAnna

  16. Charles Huss says:

    That Bashful sure gets to see a lot of interesting places. Did you play any rock music for him? Maybe the Rolling Stones?

  17. Piglove says:

    Oh my dear piggy heavens! I think that is a beautiful old church. There is so much that can be done with it – your mom would be in heaven I’m sure. And what a great excursion today Lake Sammy. So awesome! XOXO – Bacon

  18. How special that Bashful and Sammy Cat Stone had a chat. Who knew one of the cat stones Angel Easy won from me long ago would have such a special meaning

  19. Two French Bulldogs says:

    What a ginormous adventure for a little kid. We like exploring old chapels they are pretty cool. Did mom go in and pray you would not have to be on the rug if shame? BOL
    Lily & Edward

  20. Woo Hoo! A no-pad of shame day! This surely is one terrific Tuesday!

    I to love to go on adventures. This morning, I got to go to the woods again!


  21. Dolly the Doxie says:

    Stoned world? Bwaahahaha! Love Dolly PeeS: Beautiful walk!

  22. cecilia07 says:

    Oh Da Phenny how very kind of you to take Bashful to Lake Sammy to met up with Stone kitty. It is surely a beautiful area in spite of the frigid temps. The shining sun is deceiving
    Hugs and looking forward to lots more adventures
    Madi your bfff

  23. Frankie and Ernie says:

    OMD Bashful showed you the mostest FAMOUS Ice Berg in the entire Universe? THAT is fabulous.
    We think the two of you had a Grand Walkie… and we LOVE knowing more about the Chapel. It is really OLD. We had no idea.

  24. Kismet says:

    Lawyers? Don’t they have a patron devil?

  25. MrJackFreckles/Pipo & Minko says:

    Bashful sure had an interesting travel with you!
    And you? That sign says must be on a leash…yes, you were…but it also says droppings not allowed?? Gads, not even if your peeps bag it up for a treat at your den fur the trashcan??

    Lovely area though! Serene!

    If there is icebergs in Lake Sammy, then it sure was frigid, Brrr! We don’t even have snow here at the moment, that is strange for here in Michigan in January.

    That is a ancient church chapel. Nice you were able to determine some of its facts and history. Maybe if you gather enough you can ask to be the local historian for it, and then they might let you in to check out more?? That would be the proverbial toe in the door, which leads to the foot and then the leg and eventually you may claim full ownership?? Yeah, right, as if…

  26. saymber says:

    I love the place you go because it has the name of my special boy Sammy and I think he and I would have loved to investigate everything and of course make some temporary claims as dogs like to do! Much love to you – love going for walks with you Phenny and your Ma and Pa.

  27. What a terrific outing you guys had. And everyone is safe (and I presume by now) warm and toasty. Next time you can get those water birds.

  28. What a cool looking old church!

  29. Deziz World says:

    What a furtastic adventure ya’ll had Phenny. We bet dat iceberg was indeed da one dat sunk da Titanic. And those are some very innerestin’ facts ’bout dat church/chapel. We hope you and Bashful can figger out how to make your mommy’s dream come true. Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  30. Bella, Roxy and Dui says:

    Fabulous walk. It didn’t look cold….except for the icebergs. Bet those old stones in the church could talk to Bashful and tell some stories.

  31. I know Bashful is having a grand time with you! I love your chapel and cannot believe it is sooooooo old. Remember when you talk to Bashful that he has been to New Orleans and probably has some very risque stories of the French Quarter! LOL!

  32. Your adventures with Bashful sound like a lot of fun ! Purrs

  33. Never say never! Glad you showed Bashful a good day! I guess you rarely get snow?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  34. Lee says:

    The Mama wants to buy and live in that old church ~ HOW COOL! Financially it would probably be a death trap but what the devil it would still be a fun place to live. If it has stood for all those many many years it has to be solid.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  35. Such fun travels you’ve been having, Phenster!

  36. Life With 3 Dogs says:

    I love the pictures you post of the old buildings!! And of course of Phenny 🙂

  37. Silly waterbirds sitting out in the icy cold. Good you were able to rock on down the road.
    How interesting about the church. If you and the mama managed to get into that church all the poor fur orphans would be welcomed and cared for- so it would be perfect!

  38. The OP Pack says:

    Even it it was a bit on the chilly side, it looks like a fun day. Bet those rock stories were really juicy. AND you didn’ t have to sit on the pad of shame:)

    Woos – Lightning and Misty

  39. dorysbackyard says:

    Wow..you and Bashful had a great time at Lake Sammy!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  40. Wow! 1050! What a beautiful old chapel! Our mom would love to see it in person!

  41. Wow…did you and Bashful have a good time. You have to watch Bashful he can be pretty down to earth with his story telling. He told Shoko a few stories that kept her awake at night….she’d never admit it though. hehe

    Kitty Kisses,


  42. What a good time with Bashful! lovely place to visit
    Mr Bailey, hazel & Mabel

  43. Bashful seems like a wonderful friend. I am glad you had such an interesting and beautiful walks. I love that chapel. We don’t even have trees that old in America

  44. Brian says:

    I knew Bashful picked the right place to visit, what fun!

  45. Bashful sure gets around! And boy oh boy it looks like yous guys had fun, even it was colder than Hades!
    Nellie (the Cat From Hell)

  46. harrispen says:

    Sounds like you all had a fun adventure.

    Millie & Walter

  47. Good to see Bashful in your walks, Phenny, but doesn’t he need a blankie to keep him warm? Here come some Hot Pawkisses to keep you warm 🙂 ❤

  48. fredrieka says:

    Sounds like a great adventure.

  49. Great adventure and beautiful photos. The church is cool and interesting.

  50. Jan K says:

    What a wonderful first outing for Bashful on his visit with you. You are going to keep him very busy while he’s there!

  51. What a fab outing. Glad to know more about the church. 1050 is old.

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