I’m back. In one piece. Including the staff. What shall I say… Napoleon lost his dignity in Waterloo, Pumpkin lost her dignity in the house of Flavor Flav and my dad lost his in Poitiers… butt let me tell you the story of our hell trip…
We started in the early morning on friday… ok a little bit later, because my butt was glued on my bed…
… butt then we really started. The GPS said 321 km (~200 miles), travel time 5.5 hours. Pfff as if, how can we need such a long time for such a pitiful distance? That’s right, the GPS was wrong we needed 7 hours.
… the landscape changed, all things turned into “southern style” and I felt like stranded on the planet of the apes in a strange country…
It was friday and rush hour everwhere… and the system they have here to control the traffic at a road construction zone is just brilliant…
the guy has to hold a sign what says no entry for us…
… and after 87 hour he has to turn it around… think “short time work” gets a special meaning when you have to stay on the road as a humanoid traffic sign…. bet they always  have vacancies…
 butt anyway we really landed at the castle of Gilles de Rais aka Bluebeard… there was the next sign…
… it said that the castle is closed till april 2015….  and we weren’t able to wait so long there… but nevertheless we entered that crib, because I pretended to be an archaeologist and worked with all my paws on the excavation site, that my mom could take some photos,
while my dad tells you the story of Gilles de Rais:
after a picnic at the castle we jumped back in the elephant skate
…to drive to our howltel in Poitiers
… the main city of Poitou-Charentes and Vienne…
….the howltel was 2 minutes away from the Parc des Expositions what we had to visit the next day…
… the room was small, butt ok… and in nearly every room was a pup….
… the walls were thin, butt the doors were the same they have in Fort Knox… very heavy and self-locking…
… even when you have your finger inside… right, dad?
… after a not really peaceful night with a super barkfest, we went up in the early morning and we drove to the show in a convoy, after a biped who knew the way to the show and this time we came too soon what’s totally uncommon for us and from this moment  all things went south…
The show, 1883 pups and me…

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This time the judgement was different and not sorted by groups, butt by breeds. It was an indoor show and with all the kennels in the same hall and the grooming tables it was pokey…
We had to wait for 3.5 hours, because the Weimaraners were announced at 11:25 am… that was not easy, because in the hall it was loud and pokey and outside they had a K9 examen where they shot …
  My beautiful picture
… butt then it was my turn… The Show-helper said we are next and we changed my collar and the leash. (we don’t use a show leash, it’s no obligation, you can use whatever you want). Just that moment a girl came close. It was a German Shorthair and as I said hell-o, this girl bit me in my nose! 
My beautiful picture
We’ve got a leash salad, the cam went down and my mom took a cool photo of the floor till the cam disappeared between all the legs and paws… therefore the pictures are blury and mom missed the launching of the silvermistygrey missile what darted of with mach2. 
 My beautiful picture
My beautiful picture
My beautiful picture
… and  here I am on the way to my Waterloo and directly to the first place in Hall of Shame… in case you missed me in the middle of the video, I just tried to get that naughty girl, sadly my dad couldn’t jump over the fence like me…
The judge was a woman and very professional, because she was at big shows and even a judge at CRUFTS where she judged the toy group…. that means her eyes saw nearly  all things what can happen… even a pup,  totally over the top…. she checked my nose, there was nothing, my sniffer is  as good als always, look:
 My beautiful picture
 butt with  all sympathy, my performance was well spoken said a CATastrophe… and it was more than fair that I’ve got even a judgement. Many thanks, honestly,  from the bottom of my mommas nearly broken heart…
My beautiful picture
 My beautiful picture
btw: the name of this pup is: I SAID NO NO NO … thinks that’s a statement…
After I crashed   that whole thingy I was as good as gold and parked my butt next to my dad and played with my new bud Ilton as nothing had happened…  just my dad’s dignity is buried under the red carpet of Poitiers, directly next to my mom’s naches…
I drove home with a “tres bon” and a first place  in “classe ouverte male”,  with a new bud named Ilton, who lives sadly far away and the dream about a black lobster my mom promised me… even when she said my gig wasn’t worth a fish stick from the cheapest store….
… and guess what? I can’t wait for my next trip….
……and if you want to join the bean-tug-of-war, there is still time till 10/25… you can read about it here…or
at Mollie&Alfie where you can read all about the Highland Games for Kayla

About easyweimaraner

Weimaraner /Braque de Weimar, born in 2009, male & fabulous From: Britanny / France Likes: Plushtoy-Shredding, Spikebones,long distance Walks, everyday a Gift, Chicken, Shoes, Underwear, my squeekie Pig & my whole Life Dislikes: Water, Cats, Beaf, Cats, cleaning my Ears, Cats, the Vet, Cats, Snow & CATS! Profession: Student of psychological War-technics & Terrorism, after my Masterdegree i become to rule the world or maybe to be the owner of toys r us. actually i'm not sure... Status: Single Pets: Hell, NO! i prefer a petfree home. but owner of two slaves for my comfy Misc.: Greencardowner for Masterbed, Master of Beggin, Prince of Thiefs We decided to leave Easy's datas as they were... although we lost him in november 2016, he is still with us.... and his little brothers Phenny and Nelly promised to write on not as Easy the weim, but as easy Weimaraner... About us: Mr. Phoenix, born 9/9/2016 a virgo and always clever&smart...Neilson, born 7/28/2017 a leo who thinks he is clever&smart...

71 responses »

  1. Dalton says:

    Sounds very eventful, I am glad to hear your nose is ok!!

  2. Well, on the plus side you did make it to this show 😉

  3. Oh Easy, we are so sorry you got bitten on the nose. How rude. ~Fenris & Family

  4. fozziemum says:

    Goodness fancy getting bitten in your sweet nose….some girls are too rude 🙂 we are glad you survived the ordeal and the Blubeard spooky castle..indeed we have heard of the history and it was gruesome..so glad you timed a peemail in the video at the right time when dad was talking 🙂 hugs and loves Fozziemum xxx

  5. Charlie says:

    Crikey, Easy ….. that was quite the few days, aye?? How’s Dad’s finger?? Bet that hurt!! Not to mention your nose!!

  6. Whoops …… I learnt today if I log in to google I get my picture up. I forgot before so here I am back again just to make sure it still works.

  7. merbear74 says:

    The GPS is always wrong. :0)

  8. DailyMusings says:

    As always it is an adventure when you go away Easy. I agree that you are tres bon. I am glad your nose is ok and the accomodations this time were not with Mrs Bates. I enjoyed hearing about the Castle-thank you!

  9. Goose says:

    Bitted on the nose?!!!! Sounds like the German girl wanted to get to know you real fast. Stay away from fast girls Easy, they are nothing butt trouble. I am glad to see you made it to the show. Next time you will win the show. One step at a time. Good to have you back brother.

  10. Oh wow….what a time you had…..it was very educational….not the bite on the nose but the places you went and what a showing you made.


  11. cecilia07 says:

    Easy now mind you I’m just a cat..never been to any kind of show but let me just say your efforts were sabbataged by females. One was nipped you on the nose and then another one had the audacity to checked the junk in your trunk. She should have been nipped for that. Just sayin’ in your defense!!
    Hugs madi your bfff

  12. OMD Twatnav….dad’s finger and your nose what an eventful time you had Easy. Welcome home. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  13. MadSnapper says:

    Oh MY what a trip… glad you made it home safely even after the Hall of shame… and with a nose that is ok and poor dad’s finger and that LONG drive

  14. Mental Mama says:

    Evie Cat still thinks you’re Number One. 😀

  15. Tres Bon! After all you went through to get to the shoe, I think that’s a great outcome. Tres Bon Easy!

  16. That was an exciting trip….we’re sorry that girly dog bit your nose though…that was very rude!

    The Florida Furkids

  17. stella rose says:

    Oh Easy we fink those judges are blind, you should have won the grand cup!!!!
    our mom laughed at your story though…..stella rose

  18. Easy – you are Molly’s hero! (She now wants to go show, too…but staff is completely aware she’s more cruise director than poised and born-with-manners…we had enough trouble with that bouvier attempt)
    Some are just born to pawty. They are the most happy ones! (That snappy girl maybe was upset because she saw someone with the same collar on….how embarrassing for her)
    (Staff here is enthralled with history and historical literature – and especially enjoyed the pix and video story!)
    Rest up, Easy. More adventure wait, no doubt.

  19. You were just thrown off by that vicious bite to your nose just before starting. I mean really, how can anypup be expected to concentrate after that?!

  20. Ouch! That is one damaged lunula there on Dad!

  21. Midwestern Plant Girl says:

    You’re a grade A cutie to me! Hope everyone shakes off thier disappointments and starts the week anew!

  22. Kyla says:

    OOOH-Westies and a wheaten Scottie!

  23. Brian says:

    My goodness, the nose bite was really not nice, but at least you get to go back to normal now!

  24. It's Dog or Nothing says:

    What a trip! Sorry you got a nip to the nose 😦 That wasn’t very nice!

  25. Frankie and Ernie says:

    OMD EASY…. your dad’s Poor FINGER… and YOUR Nose…. Hope BOTH are better now that you are home…
    As fur your time in the Show Ring…. WE think you deserved BEST IN SHOW … We loved your pawformance… WE are PROUD OF YOU Buddy.

  26. Two French Bulldogs says:

    Seems like your excavation went well
    Lily & Edward

  27. katiebblogs says:

    Oh my goodness, that was quite a trip Easy! How did you make it so far and with all that excitement (a little too much perhaps) going on?! Between your dad and your nose, you both need to recover after that one!

  28. speedyrabbit says:

    how rude of the dog to bite you on the nose,want me to fire some poop missiles at her?xx Speedy

  29. Proud of you Easy – First is First isn’t it!!
    Mr Bailey & Hazel

  30. Quite a day then Easy.
    What with all the traffic problems, Gail and I think you really should give the train a go. At least the driver can’t get lost…
    Toodle pip!

  31. Will and Eko says:

    Always first in our hearts, and we’ll never bit you on the nose!

  32. dezizworld says:

    Aaaaaw Easy, sowwy fings didn’t go as planned. But me can’t believ dat girly bit yous nose. Meez will come and hiss and swat hers fur ya’ ifin yous like. Yous shulda lost yous gentlemanly doggy chawms and bit hers butt. MOL

    Luv ya’


  33. dollythedoxie says:

    My goodness Easy where to begin! It looks like it was a “fun” weekend with your mom and dad and you made new friends. I would call that a huge success! Love Dolly

  34. Misaki says:

    OMD double casualties, what with your dad’s finger and your poor nose. Hope you got loads of hugs and treats afterwards xx

  35. Shiva & Jaya says:

    Why you not winned? This is a conspurracy! We shall initiate Purrime Ministerette-led investicattion!

  36. pawedblog says:

    Aww Easy! I call sabotage! That pup clearly saw ho superior you were and tried to cause some trouble! So glad you had fun despite evrything though, you are always a winner here at blogville!
    Hugs, Carrie & Pups x
    P.S. Your dad does a pretty nifty French accent huh?

  37. Lee says:

    Oh Easy your trips are epic. You are definitely setting your own standards for the great Weimar Breed. I know you make your parents proud. Bawheheeee.
    Keep truckin Easy.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

    Oh you can snag any picture of me off my blog for the greenbean tug.

  38. Emmadog says:

    Sounds like another one of your peaceful getaways! I would not have liked it there with all the dogs and the noise. I prefer to be treated special, not with the common dogs…kind of like you, special. Glad you are back in one piece.

  39. That sounds like quite an adventure. Good thing your snout wasn’t bitten off! And congrats on your tres bon!! We think you rocked it!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  40. Hawk aka BrownDog says:

    Hi Y’all!

    Ah, Easy, you always have so much “better” mischief” than I! Really do wish I could have seen it! By the way, love your “highland” costume! My Humans, who are both of Scottish heritage, love how you look too!

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  41. Cupcake says:

    What an adventure! I hope your nose is feeling fine. What a rude contestant, giving you a bite to throw off your game! That’s naughty.

    Love and licks,

  42. Jan K says:

    It’s never a dull moment with you, Easy, and there’s always a good story to tell!! So glad your nose is OK!

  43. Mon dieu! You have the best adventures. It wasn’t your fault they were so unorganized in the zoo of ill behaved dogs biting and barking! And your dad needs a prize for all his hard work and finger boo boo.

  44. harrispen says:

    We liked listening to your dad tell about that bad man. We always knew you were “tres bon” Easy. Good luck at your next show adventure.

    Millie & Walter

  45. Nylabluesmum says:

    **shakez head** Not again Easy!!! Ebery time ya goez to a poochie show ya haz such turrible luck!!! WE finkz yer #1 no mattur what dem judgez n Cruftie peepz say…
    Yer poor Paw’z fingurr lookz so painfull; wunder if he will lose da nail???
    Me finkz ya shuud just have gone fer a picknick innstead!
    **paw kissez** n {{HUGZ}} Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum

  46. Cause Lady is in a hotel with cruddy internet she can’t watch your video. She thinks Tres Bon is tres bon! We think you nailed it!

  47. We think u deserve more than a fishstick.

  48. wyatt says:

    Silly Girl Dog, does she not know that you are a worldly celebrity!?!

  49. gentlestitches says:

    I read the Bluebeard story when i was young but it was nothing apparently compared to your video!!! You are a winner Easy and sorry for Dad’s finger. He is tough that it isn’t broken! Kisses for your snout XXX

  50. aiiiee!! Easy you and your humans are having WAY too much fun at these dog shows!!

  51. Oh boy Easy, you really have some good adventures at your show. Sorry about your nose and that the castle was closed, that’s the pits but I did enjoy the videos. You will get it one day soon buddy hang in there. You need to come to the US we don’t have as many dogs as over there in a show.

  52. tylersat99 says:

    That’s the attitude Easy! You show them that no matter what happens you don’t give up!!!

  53. WalkToRio says:

    Glad you didn’t miss your nose.
    I doubt I’ll ever take Doggy to a dog show. He’s a mess.
    He doesn’t like all dogs, he’s goos with some and nasty with others. Unpredictable, when I take him to the trainer he’s fine and they don’t wanna train him because there’s nothing wrong with him.
    I think he’s out to get me.
    He loves playing with Dachshunds, but hates other water dogs.
    He’s special.

    • indoor shows are always a little like battle fields :o) the judge said Easy needs more social contacts (hey, we follow more than 300 blogs lol) with other dogs, he is always surprised that some more dogs live on this planet :o)

  54. kolytyi says:

    OMG, Easy, Weim girls seem to be crazy about your charms!

  55. That is a story for the books, Easy! What a whirlwind of a tail…er, I mean tale! I cannot believe that girl bitted you on the snooker?!? She must have been coming off a “bad” night or something. I am glad that all in all, you had a good trip. BOL
    *high paws*

  56. What a trip! At least it was eventful and memorable though whee are sorry you got bitten on the nose. That’s not very nice!


  57. Wow! That is a lot of action for one weekend! We have those sign holders at all of our construction sites. It must be a horrible job in our summer heat and humidity! My mom loves the way your Dad speaks. I simply cannot believe that bitch bit your nose! What a pyscho! You don’t want to get involved with a biter!! BOL!

  58. As always Easy, you had quite the adventure! Glad you made it home OK! Loved your Dad’s history lesson 🙂 Glad your beautiful snout is still in one piece !

  59. Novroz says:

    Wow!! so much happening in your trip!!
    I feel sorry for your dad’s finger

  60. Clowie says:

    They use those bipeds with signs in Spain, but you can’t trust them! One day one of those bipeds was getting quite cross with my biped because she wouldn’t move the car, but there was a huge lorry heading towards us!

    I hope your dad’s finger recovers quickly!

  61. rottwlrmom says:

    Oh Easy! What a trip! Those females can be so fussy eh? Hope your snooter is all good!

  62. Almost didn’t see you in that first picture. By the way, a stunning dog like you could never loose its dignity.

  63. grommelot says:

    Hope your nose and your dads finger are already better. What a pity that the castle was closed.

  64. sunsetdragon says:

    Sending prayers and good vibes for quick healing.

  65. Sounds like an eventful trip. Your shows are so different from how it is done here. Poor nose.

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