…in my back yard!
I have an intruder. I don’t know what it is or who is it, but it lives in a bush.
Sadly I can’t handle a chainsaw so I have to chew it down.
It’s like a surprise box – you never know what you will get. But I want it – whatever it is!
Yesterday the staff had a really bad idea: they fixed such a darned curtain on my kitchen door. Don’t laugh but it’s scares me. Really! Now I need a door butler  when I will go in or go out. They say the curtain shall keep away bugs and pests… I’m not sure how I have to understand this….
But now to an important and cool thingy:
Savannah&Leo wrote their first post together, it’s about Mary a kitty what needs some helping paws. Klick on their name or on the TELEPORT TUNNEL to visit Savannah&Leo.
It reminds me of the song Mary, Mary of The Monkees. (look at the guy with the Maracas – his tongue is priceless, I bet he had a good treat :o)

About easyweimaraner

Weimaraner /Braque de Weimar, born in 2009, male & fabulous From: Britanny / France Likes: Plushtoy-Shredding, Spikebones,long distance Walks, everyday a Gift, Chicken, Shoes, Underwear, my squeekie Pig & my whole Life Dislikes: Water, Cats, Beaf, Cats, cleaning my Ears, Cats, the Vet, Cats, Snow & CATS! Profession: Student of psychological War-technics & Terrorism, after my Masterdegree i become to rule the world or maybe to be the owner of toys r us. actually i'm not sure... Status: Single Pets: Hell, NO! i prefer a petfree home. but owner of two slaves for my comfy Misc.: Greencardowner for Masterbed, Master of Beggin, Prince of Thiefs We decided to leave Easy's datas as they were... although we lost him in november 2016, he is still with us.... and his little brothers Phenny and Nelly promised to write on not as Easy the weim, but as easy Weimaraner... About us: Mr. Phoenix, born 9/9/2016 a virgo and always clever&smart...Neilson, born 7/28/2017 a leo who thinks he is clever&smart...

75 responses »

  1. cecilia07 says:

    Easy introoooders are a nuisance for sure. Since I stay inside all the time I have to tolerate the tree rats shaking their bushy tails in my face.

    What is it w peeps changing things. Easy I feel your pain. Yesterday mom came home with a new table cloth FOR MY TABLE w/o asking me first. Well it feels different to my feets and makes a crinkle noise. Dad went into a laughing fit today when I jumped up to have breakfast with him. Evidently I kept picking up my paws one at a time trying to shake it off but it didn’t work. I DON’T LIKE CHANGE!!
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

    • I agree Madi – changings are always bad. And I think it was an abuse of power too – that’s MY crib! Maybe you can invent a law against unwelcome changings? I hope its a tree rat – I never saw one for real. It’s an animal what removes the mulch of the flower pots…

  2. what was in the bushes? A bunny????!!!!! OMG if that is the curtain I can see why you are scared! BOL!!! Mom actually remembers that Monkees song! Mom and her best friend used to take a stethoscope and listen to the Monkees on the record player….that was BEFORE she had STEREO back in the day 🙂

    • I have no clue what it is – I just smelled it and saw the mess it did with the flower pots. Hope it’s tasty :o) My mom had a full-plastic record player what had a sound like a chain saw :o)

  3. We need a scarwy curtain like that or we need scared chickens – our silly hens keep breaking into our puppy park. Our dogs so scary things to chickens 😦

  4. Silly Easy, scared of a curtain 😀 Fear not, though, as you are not alone. Silly things like that scare Litchi as well.

  5. Wow we want to join you on your hunting expedition. We think a curtain butler is a great idea. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. Yikes our comment disappeared. We want to join you on your hunting expedition. A curtain butler sounds like a good idea. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  7. We use to have one of those Easy, it scared me too..BOL Have a wonderful Thursday xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  8. finnhoward says:

    That curtain would scare me a little too. I would think I was always going into the shower 🙂 Have a great Thursday!

  9. Ah an intruder huh? Wonder what it might be……perhaps the Easter Bunny has lost his calendar and thinks it’s Easter time? Maybe a big juicy mole or vole helping himself to your Mom’s plants? Good luck finding it – I just know you can take care of whatever it is! That curtain thingie IS scary…..I’m afraid I’d have to pull that thing down if I were you Easy. Some kind of curtain protest is definitely in order!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

    • It is like the iron curtain and it is haunted – we will see it on Halloween! I have no clue what kind of whatever is in my backyard, but it likes the mulch of the flowerpots. I have to find it before they blame it on me….would the easterbunny like this mulch-pieces? maybe he need it for preparing chocolate eggs?

  10. Thank you for mentioning Leo’s Project Save Mary. And I bet that introoder justs wats to play with you. As for the curtain, if that’s all that scares you then you are way braver than me…I am scared of about everything and more cuz Leo is still here…sigh

    • I understand your feelings Savannah. Sometimes the saying, that the Leopard can’t change his spots is true and we have to find another way. I wish I had a magic spell to remove all sorrows and fears of the world.

  11. A door butler…. very excitin. I have soooooo many questions. Does your door butler have snacks? If not…. you’ll have to fire him and get a new door butler. Oh… oh…. does your door butler have a British accent? Is his name Carson?
    Dat is so freak’n cool to have a door butler. Maybe I should get me one.

    • Sadly I only have an economical butler(phase-out model). He has no treats or champagne, he speaks slang instead to have a british accent and he not even wears a smoking but jogging pants and a wife beater. His name is dad. If you want one you should avoid the cheap models – they are a guarant for endless trouble :o)

  12. Brian says:

    You are flying darn good Easy, even without your cape!

  13. rebecca2000 says:

    I bet the intruder was one of those malicious grasshoppers. They are evil.

  14. Will and Eko says:

    There’s a lot of great photos of you romping, but that top one is definitely one of my favorites. You can tell you’re on a mission.

  15. Kyla says:

    The Monkees really did a bad job of lip synching on this video. You can tell that the instruments are synched also. They can’t redo it because not all of them are still here.

  16. OwyheeStar says:

    Our yard has treasure of all sort………voles, mice, quail, birdies of every sort, an occasion pheasant, and a few resident bunnies. A squirrel will venture this direction too. Sadly, (or probably more gladly) we don’t have a monkey (or Monkee). I grew up on the Monkees. I suppose that tells my age, and I still remember the Beatles invasion ….and the mania. Cliff I am dance to Paul Revere and the Raiders and a few other notable bands in the 60’s. We didn’t worry too much about what was in our yard back then.

    • I hope it isn’t a monkey , but’s a large animaland I hope it’s tasty :o) My dad remembers about this bands – he said that was real music to dance and much better than the current sound :o)

      • OwyheeStar says:

        Yes, lots of dances. We live in the sticks, but our local area had frequent teen dances. We were truly blessed to have something to do in a small country town. It was a good time to grow up. At least living here it was. We watched on TV the Hippies, and the college protests, they seemed afar from our life in rural red neck America. :O)

      • I remember – the teen dance was gorgeous an I was waiting the whole week for this afternoon. The older youths called it ” piglet-race” :o)

  17. astanyAsta says:

    Easy, it must be luvly to find suwpwises in yoow bushes all the time..chewing is much nicew than a chainsaw. I hope you get used to that wibbon stuff. I saw an add on TV hewe fow a scween fow a doow that attaches wif magnets, no scwewing in to attach it, and it sepewates as you go out and then closes aftew you..yoo don’t need hands fow it ow anything..pawfect fow pups..maybe yoow pawents can find sumething like that fow bugses
    Smoochie kisses

    • I will ask them – my mom takes all chances to shop – no matter what it is :o) I hope it’s a tasty surprise in my bushes – by now it’s invisible but I hope I can catch it :o)

  18. This is our 3rd time here we hope we get to post this time. WP and our internet has been giving us fits today and not letting us post and comment. Chancy could help you chew down some of that stuff so you could find out what is in that surprise box. He loves chewing on sticks and limbs so he could be a small chainsaw for you. May be a bit slow in getting them all chewed down though and by that time whatever lives in there would be hidden. We thinks that is what you would call a see-through curtain. How is gonna keep out bugs? We gotta say it is quite colorful though. Hugs and nose kisses

    • Please Chancy help me to get the whateveritisbutiwantit :o) The curtain is made with colored ribbons what keeps the flies out. I think it’s someting between the ribbons and the eyes of the flies – I’m not sure. Mom says it works – but I say: that thingy is haunted!

  19. Shiner ran in the bushes the other day after one of those pesky voles! I hope you can overcome your fear of the curtain soon!

  20. you need to post signs – no truders allowed !!!!!!

  21. Easy, I could help you find that intruder, I am great at stripping leaves and bush branches (which is why Dad has removed most of them, dang it). I think I could help you out with that curtain also, Grab and run like mad!!
    Bailey & Hazel too

  22. Hey, if you need helps gettin’ that critter, I am THE master at critter huntin’!! BOL
    Okays, maybe not as good as Puddles, butts I thinks I’m a close second!!
    Oooo, that’s an idea! Call up Puddles, I thinks she’s small enough to gets in there! She can chase it out and we can GRAB it!!! Yups, that sounds like a plan….
    Oh, Ma puts up something like that curtin, except it was a real life screen that you can walk through…then she took that one down and put up one you have to open and close (butts DIDN’T TELL ME, and I walked right into it and BROKE IT!! That’ll teach her….
    Ruby ♥

    • Maybe you could come all and we chase it together? 87 dogs V.S. a vole sounds fair to me :o)

      hahaha my grampy did this too – he walked last year through a closed fly screen :o)

  23. Shalini says:

    Very cute! We understand that Curtains are the Enemy. We share this opinion. 🙂

  24. stanze says:

    I bet if your door butlers would give you a treat every time you pass the scary border, you’d find it less scary soon. You look great when your ears fly up.

  25. Gizmo says:

    So Easy, you know I love you but really, afraid of the curtain? C’mon guy, man up! The gurldawgs don’t like wimps…So did you ever find the intruder? BTW, the maracas guy is Davy Jones and he was the “hot one”…all the girls thought he was cute …hmm, maybe you need to start playing maracas?

    • I shredded the haunted curtain – problem solved. But with the Maracas – that’s a good idea! I could use water bottles filled with treats – I hope then the girls will not come only for the treat-maracas :o)

  26. Howdy Easy, your garden looks like fun. What did you find??? In summer our dad put up the very same silly curtain and for the same reason! I (Rory) was scared at first but then realised it wasn’t going to eat me hehe. Stella, on the otherhand, found it to be quite tasty and chewed up lots of the fun strips of plastic! Mum loved the video of The Monkees. She was their Number One Fan when she was young, but that was in the olden days. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  27. I hope you found what you were looking for silly easy!!!! 🙂 You sure had fun doing it!

  28. Looks like fun running around the back yard, Wish I could chase this Weimaraner around the backyard, I love playing with dogs.

  29. Love that first photo of you Easy. You know the suspense is too much, sure hope we find out soon what that thing is in your backyard 🙂

  30. Two French Bulldogs says:

    You better keep a watchful eye on that intruder, trespasser
    Benny & Lily

  31. fozziemum says:

    Intruder !! Easy be careful…im sure it will be the Murdulator!! they are sneaky and perhaps leave a pong!…as fur the curtain..well..i would be scared too coz it haz the look of a mad womans breakfast….change iz not good without a perm-ishions…we hate changez and hate Murdulators too..what we love iz the bloggie fur MJ on Savvy an her foster Brofur Leo and when mumz not pushin zzzzzzzzzzz we gunna getz on it to our blog..hoomans are not very quick like uz terriers! you look sharp when flying Easy
    High paws Doc

  32. The Monkees now that is a blast from the past 😉

  33. Must protect property…chase away those darned intruders!

  34. kolytyi says:

    That kitchen curtain looks really dodgy for a doggy!
    I like your happiness in the first pic very much!

  35. Nylabluesmum says:

    Yow dose buggy stripz are sumfing else…as long as ya don’t get stuck like a bug!!! Me likez da idea of a ‘door butler’….Mum sayz she iz mine as she now openz da Condo n me walkz into da apartmint all by meself..me got her trained finalee!!!! 😉
    Hope dat introoder unintroodz soon!!
    Lub Nylablue n Mum ❤

    • A door butler is a nice thingy – he can offer you treats and snacks and cleans your pwas :o) Sadly I haven’t seen the intruder – but he is there – I can feel it in my stomach :o)

  36. Misaki says:

    Hope you get the intruder in the garden!
    My daddy is thinking about getting a backdoor curtain too, but after seeing yours I think I’ll try to talk him out of it

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