Today my dad brought  a letter. JUST FOR ME!
 It came from Kyla, Kaci and Kismet from ARIZONA. That’s in Scotland. I’m sure, because they all are scottish anipals , more or less.
It was a car plate, you can use for your ride, butt sadly here they are party poopers and to drive with funny plates is not allowed. So we will use it inside of my ride. THENK YE UNCOLY! I placed it immediately in my Elephant Skater and if we will  meet a Scottie,  we will drive him wherever he wants for free.

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I asked the doogle to experience more about Scotland.
Scotland is there, where the ocean meets the sky, sang Dad’s rival Rod, and  the scottish peeps&pets  are always jivey and funny. Because they have something in the water, what makes them happy. This one.
Also Scotland is the land where they call the lakes LOCHS and they have extraordinary citizens like Nessie, Mel Gibson, Captain Kidd, Alan Pinkerton, John Brown, Uilliam Uallas…
The capital of Scotland is ASSLOSS, that’s between Butt of Lewis and Boghead. It’s easy to find if you drive straight in this direction:
In Scotland they have interesting food like the
Dick of Heinz
or fried Mars bars
The dresscode in Scotland is easy, because all wear skirts, called KILTS there. Even the Bavarians who come for a visit have to wear kilts, right Sammy?
They also have their own language to discover non-locals immediately, butt I decrypted this code for you:
Haud yer wheesht! – that means you should push your mute button
Mony a mickle maks a muckle – a penny saved is a penny earned
Dinnae marry fur money! – a warning for Golddiggas
Yer oot yer face! – you had to much of scottish water
I think now you are wellprepared to visit Scotland. Butt wait… one little thing you shouldn’t do, when you are a guest in Alba (in scots-gaelic). This one…. and that makes Nessie very angry and she will pop in and give you a major rocket:
LATHA MATH AGAIBH! & Lang may yer lum reek!
The Winners of my haunted house riddle  will be picked on Monday, so the weekend-posters will have a chance to win too :o)

About easyweimaraner

Weimaraner /Braque de Weimar, born in 2009, male & fabulous From: Britanny / France Likes: Plushtoy-Shredding, Spikebones,long distance Walks, everyday a Gift, Chicken, Shoes, Underwear, my squeekie Pig & my whole Life Dislikes: Water, Cats, Beaf, Cats, cleaning my Ears, Cats, the Vet, Cats, Snow & CATS! Profession: Student of psychological War-technics & Terrorism, after my Masterdegree i become to rule the world or maybe to be the owner of toys r us. actually i'm not sure... Status: Single Pets: Hell, NO! i prefer a petfree home. but owner of two slaves for my comfy Misc.: Greencardowner for Masterbed, Master of Beggin, Prince of Thiefs We decided to leave Easy's datas as they were... although we lost him in november 2016, he is still with us.... and his little brothers Phenny and Nelly promised to write on not as Easy the weim, but as easy Weimaraner... About us: Mr. Phoenix, born 9/9/2016 a virgo and always clever&smart...Neilson, born 7/28/2017 a leo who thinks he is clever&smart...

89 responses »

  1. oh my how embarrassing lol

  2. Goose says:

    Well now I feel I can visit Scotland and fit right in.

  3. Sorry Easy, when I saw Rod Stewart practically naked I didn’t even bother reading the rest of the post! lol!!!!! If you want me to read it then make sure Rod Stewart is the LAST thing that I see!!! Thanks for the eye candy this morning!! Love, Caren

  4. Mags Corner says:

    We enjoyed learning about Scotland sweet Easy. Oh and Mumsy love Rod but she never saw him nearly nakked till now. lol Hugs and nose kisses

  5. What a swell car plate Easy – now you’re officially a Scottieweim. My pawrents loved Scotland when they visited some years ago – Mom said it was a windy day when they were in Edinburgh at the castle and the guys in kilts had no control over where those kilts wandered…..if you know what I mean…..Happy AFTER-WEEN day to you!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

    • hahaha my mom said, she will visit scotland only in fall or spring, because then it is windy… but I have some doubts if she will see Rod in his swim trunks then :o) have you tried the fried mars bars?

  6. Mental Mama says:

    Whoa, so much funny in one post… I didn’t think it would get any worse after the Rod Stewart picture, but then I watched the video. WOW. Holy flying squirrels wearing kilts but no underthings! Now tell me, who doesn’t need that on a Friday morning? 😉

  7. PigLove says:

    Neat gift!! OMP (oh my pig). Those pictures – oh my piggy eyes – too funny! XOXO – Bacon

    Spotted Dick? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…dude, you is kiilin me! You is too funny!


  9. goldenwoofs says:

    Oh My Easy, Happy Happy Friday. Mom loves Rod S so she definitely recognized that so cute photo. Golden Thanks for the laughs. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  10. OMD a nearly nakid Rod. Now we are going to have …do you think I’m sexy singing in our heads all afternoon. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  11. Think you’d better visit your friends in Arizona soon Easy – if only to confirm your interpretations. That video, priceless 😀

  12. All this laughter is bound to chase the clouds away! (Until we see how much mud Molly is packing from running in the yard..)
    We vote for windy days!

  13. Wowee, whee wanna know what you think of England now too! That video had the hooman laughing sooooooo much!

    Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil

  14. How do you say “les inconvenients du direct” in Scottish?
    Have a great Friday!

  15. Brian Frum says:

    Yikes! Rod Stewart needs to make sure all rods are covered!

  16. Kyla says:

    I wouldn’t eat that pudding. Rumo(u)rs say the main ingredient is Dalmatian body parts.

    • yiikes, then it isn’t from Heinz, it’s made by Cruella! Many thanks for the plate, Kyla, it has a wonderful place below the tree rat from William. Think we have a real scottie skater now :o)

  17. Kuruk says:

    WOL! Happy Friday!

  18. mollieandalfie says:

    Bawahwhahhwhaa too funny Easy, a lot of our family are Scottish, wish they could see this post they would die laughing xxooxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  19. Frankie and Ernie says:

    OMD Easy that is a super thingy to put in the window of the Elephant Skate. What a NICE pressie from your Scotty furend. now about that Stewart the ROD guy. We gotta say we think our DAD could show him a thingy or two about how to have a PROPER Picture taken.
    Our Mom would LOVE to go to Scotland to see the Heather Bloomin and Loch Ness and … to be SURE to watch a WINDY DAY Parade… from a Chair that has Legs like a DACHSHUND…. JUST SAYIN.

  20. Madi and Mom says:

    Easy you are soooooooooooo funny.
    Thanks for the mol/lol
    Hugs madi your bfff

  21. catfromhell says:

    Bwa!! Haa!! Haa!!
    Mes LOVES Kilts

  22. your own scottie mobile plate – if they were true scots – they would of included the bill for it in there too gawwoooooooffffff.

  23. kolytyi says:

    OMG, Easy, if your dad would have seen this post, he would tell your mom that the correct answer to my math riddle was 1/2 (mom)!

  24. Mom has been to Scotland a few times. She said their language that they called English was atrocious! She could not understand much of what they said. They seemed friendly, but it was difficult to understand it all there. As for that Heinz Dick stuff, Mom said one of her favorite things about traveling around the world was finding funny products like that!

  25. Gizmo says:

    Well now i know everything I need to know about Scotland except for one thing…what do they wear under those kilts? Bwaa ha ha

  26. Those kilts are scandalous! That’s what’s up.

    Love and licks,

  27. speedyrabbit says:

    hehehehehe oh Easy Mate you crack up….hehehe you really do!xx Speedy

  28. Sounds like an interesting place to visit, although I am not so sure about that sponge pudding. yikes!

  29. HeeHee! your post gave me a giggle! Love your new house rules!!

  30. fozziemum says:

    Hilarious Easy…come from a long line of Scots here we do….Tis a braod brik moonlick nik to nit …bwahahahahahaah how about we stick to the deep fried Mars Bars and avoid the HAGGIS…EEWWW….me granny would be looking doon and snickerin and saying what a wee sweetie you be and what lovely wee bairns you would make Easy 😉 hehe hugs Fozziemum PeE eSS here’s lookin up ya kilt xx

  31. Rocco says:

    What a great post. We’re all ready to visit Scotland! Woof!

    Got you scheduled for the 4th Easy, hope that works for you!

  32. OMD!!! Easy, you have me rollin’ on the floor barkin’ my ass off!!! hehehehe
    Spotted Dick!!! BOL! BOL! I’ve never seen one befores!!!
    Oh, this could get much worse, so Ma said I have to stop nows before I gets censored!!
    Thanks for the funnies Easy!!
    Ruby ♥☺

  33. Sasha says:

    Wow thanks for that great info about Scotland!

    Loveys Sasha

  34. The Human laffed and laffed and forwarded this post to her colleague from Scotland–she will LOVE it 😉 She lived in France for a few years, too. Now she lives in San Francisco and teaches French and Spanish to high school kids (and she still has quite the Scottish accent, too).

  35. Misaki says:

    Hahaha the scots are crazy lol

  36. The whiskey quote is purrrfect which I’ll have with a deep fried Mars bar please.

  37. spotted dick,nessie and that famous youtube video what isn’t there to love about scotland!

  38. hello easy its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow i had no ideea sutch things cud be fownd and went on in the mithikal land of scotland!!! frum heering dada tawk yoo wud think the only things wot ever kaym owt of scotland wer the rok and roll bands big country and texas and amy pond frum the faymus dokyoomentary doctor who!!! ok bye

  39. Dalton says:

    Every days a school day!

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