Today the auxiliary postman (dad) brought a parcel for me . It’s from SAVANNAH! I snaffled it immediately and tried to open it. Wow! Look – there are 8 kitties inside!
I’ve won the kitties at Savannahs Blogoversary some time ago. Now a lot of you will ask why I want 8 kitties in my crib. That’s easy: I decided to name the kitties similar to the days of the week, so I have my personally guardian kitty for every day of the week…. pretty cool idea, huh?
Unfortunately the humans claim that every week has to have only 7 seven days and I have 8 kitties, so I think the big kitty N° 8 is the boss and I name it “MAYDAY” “MY DAY” and use it every day, because every day is mayday my day. Now I have a mascot – or a “MASCAT” for every day and I think now I’m well prepared for life :o) The kitties are handpainted by Motorpurr Studios of Pizazz and they are wonderful… 
… and I will LUV LUV LUV the “rocking kitties” :o)
I placed the kitties on my desk, where mom has some (magic) stones , she collected on special places she has visited.
Did you know that even the days of a week have a meaning in superstition?
The day of the moon. On this day you shouldn’t do financial transactions and you shouldn’t vest nothing to nobody, because it will never come back. Otherwise the Monday is a good day for witches and thieves, if you plan a bank heist, you should do it today…. If you were born on a Monday (like my mom) your chances to get rich are pitiful. I think with this requirement she can save the money for a lottery ticket…
The day of the Martian. This is a perfect day for court cases, brawls or catfights and all things which have to do with fighting. It’s also a good day for weddings…. If you are born on a tuesday, you have all the skills to be a boss or the alpha-dog or alpha-cat.
The day of ODIN. This day is haunted and you shouldn’t do nothing what’s important, because all things which starts on a wednesday are evanescent. Who is born on a wednesday (ME!) is haunted from mischief and dropping a brick. I’m not sure, if I was really born on a wednesday, maybe the breeder confused wednesday with tuesday?… I hope it ….
The day of DONAR, the god of the thunder. The day with the most thunderstorms, not only in meteorological regard, as well in the family or in a relationship. You should avoid discussions, disputes and brawls or delay it on Tuesday… Persons who were born on a Thursday are most belligerent and argumentative.
The day of relaxing. You shouldn’t make a journey on this day, you shouldn’t gather fruits or vegetables and you should avoid to brush your hair (GREAT!). Also you should avoid to talk about bad things it will mess up your weekend. Who is born on a Friday is mostly a relaxed and serene soul, but sadly also unambitious and powerless.
The day of the Saturn, the planet with the uppermost rank. On this day in middle age the markets and fairs started and so the Saturday is the perfect day for shopping. All things you bought on a Saturday are good buys and long lasting (except plush guys). Who is born on a saturday has a lucky hand for deals and the best chance to get rich.
THE LUCKY DAY and the day of the sun god. All things planned on a sunday should be successful and durable. Who is born on a sunday is a lucky one like the Gladstone Gander of Ducktales. Legend has it that the sun god himself is the godfather for all who were born on a sunday and he will hold his paws over them. My dad was born on a sunday and isn’t he the luckiest guy ever for sharing his life with ME?

About easyweimaraner

Weimaraner /Braque de Weimar, born in 2009, male & fabulous From: Britanny / France Likes: Plushtoy-Shredding, Spikebones,long distance Walks, everyday a Gift, Chicken, Shoes, Underwear, my squeekie Pig & my whole Life Dislikes: Water, Cats, Beaf, Cats, cleaning my Ears, Cats, the Vet, Cats, Snow & CATS! Profession: Student of psychological War-technics & Terrorism, after my Masterdegree i become to rule the world or maybe to be the owner of toys r us. actually i'm not sure... Status: Single Pets: Hell, NO! i prefer a petfree home. but owner of two slaves for my comfy Misc.: Greencardowner for Masterbed, Master of Beggin, Prince of Thiefs We decided to leave Easy's datas as they were... although we lost him in november 2016, he is still with us.... and his little brothers Phenny and Nelly promised to write on not as Easy the weim, but as easy Weimaraner... About us: Mr. Phoenix, born 9/9/2016 a virgo and always clever&smart...Neilson, born 7/28/2017 a leo who thinks he is clever&smart...

88 responses »

  1. Wow Easy we did not know any of that. So we steal on Monday and fight on Tuesday? When is food day? Love your lucky kitties. You should have plenty of good luck from now on. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

    • Thanks Molly. I think any day should be a food day, you can’t steal or fight with an empty stomach :o) The kitties are really cool and they said they will protect me from now :o)
      Please get well soon …

  2. Such a lovely way to use the pretty stones!
    About Monday… today’s April 15 in the US, tax day…
    You wrote: “The day of the moon. On this day you shouldn’t do financial transactions and you shouldn’t vest nothing to nobody, because it will never come back.” TRUE
    Have a great week!

    • hahaha… you’re right, think they should change the day :o)
      Even things of superstition have a true part BOL…
      I hope all will have guardian kitties for today :o)

  3. catchatcaren says:

    Easy we LOVE your idea of having each of the stones represent a day of the week. You have your own kitty guardians, how cool!

  4. dogloverofmax@gmail.com says:

    Oh those are cute painted rocks and thanks for telling about the days of the week – I love to learn all this new stuff;) Glad you have your own Mascat now too!
    Laughing cuz Ma’s a Saturday birth but she’s still waiting on getting rich 🙂

    • Wow than your mom is a shopping-talent – how great :o) You should buy a lottery ticket (and maybe some Mascats)
      The kitties are really cute and every one is special and different :o)

  5. They are lovely Easy, what a fantastic idea of the naming ..Now your crib is going to be full of good luck ( you’ll need it when the DIY projects start BOL ) xx00xxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  6. finnhoward says:

    Those are some very cool kitties you have there! I didn’t know that about the days of the week either!

  7. Goose says:

    Those the purfect kind of kitties. You could even skip then across a pond.

    • hahaha I think the kitties would be angry if I would do it, I’ll cat’s are not happy about water :o) btw: could it be that you were born on a monday? at least better than me, the wednesday-guy :o)

  8. Easy what special kitty pals and a super idea to name them that way! Enjoy them!

    Piggy kisses,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  9. Bert says:

    Wo Easy, Those are some great kittie rocks. My Vickie says she thinks teh artist is wonderful….totally wonderful.
    Have a great day my friend.

    • Thanks Bert, they are really great and I now they were painted with love :o) have a great day too :o) btw: I can’t comment on your blog, have you deactivated the comment function or is it a bug or gremlin?

  10. sheltiebeauties says:

    Easy, we love your “MY DAY” as you are so right that everyday is / should be YOUR DAY; your mom and dad should know it well that you are the centre of your their life. Bty, those kitties are simply gorgeous.

  11. Squeee! You got the kitty stones!! Whew! And now I know you have a cat guardian for every day of the week AND a cat to snoopervise all seven to make sure they do their duty and guard you on their day…pawsome!

  12. Frankie Furter and Ernie says:

    Wow Easy….. those are SUPER STONES… Really CUTE around your monitor. AND I had no Idea about the days of the week. We will need to Plan around them.

  13. Kyla says:

    I think I was born on a Thursday. You big galoot, if you don’t like it, want to make something out of it? Huh? You weimaraners are all alike-hiding behind an ocean. Yeah, big man. C’mon out and fight.

    • wait, wait, wait …. tomorrow is the perfect day for a battle :o)
      Hope the kitties will be with me, because I’m the wednesday-guy (or the calendar of 2009 is totally wrong :o)

  14. Lavinia says:

    Your kitties are beautiful. I remember I have learned about the days of the week sometime in middle school, at the English class. Thanks for reminding me. I was only remembering the Saturn Day:)

  15. kolytyi says:

    How it is possible that I’m not rich???
    Your kitties are wonderful! I’d like to know what does it mean that after gulping down your personal guardian of the given day, you produce it on your backyard on another day.

    • Maybe you were born on monday (like mom) or on wednesday (like moi)? That’s a kind of “Luck-Recycling” and could mean I will got the Nobel-Prize or an invoice from the vet (according to which day we will have) :o)

      • kolytyi says:

        Oh no, I was born on a SATURDAY! Should I try some luck-recycling?

      • That could be a good idea… but better to ask your vet or dogtor before you start :o)

      • kolytyi says:

        The first hindrance is that I haven’t got such fantastic kitties! I should seek for some other kind of gulpable personal guardian! The doGtor-problem is easy: on the fence of a neighbouring pharmacy, there is the sign of a VET! Maybe this is for humans who are unsatisfied with their doctor. Although I like my doctor, in this case I would rather consult a doGtor than my doctor.

      • a dogtor is always the best. Specially for me, because I’m not a dog, I’m a Weimaraner. But I’m also not a human (fortunately). So for me the dogtor is the perfect person of contact. In case of swallowed kitties I think a dogtor is the best choice … or a flusher? :o)

      • kolytyi says:

        Easy, you are – as always – a genius! This is the perfect solution: http://www.koztegy.hu/archiv/2008/0156.jpg

      • do you have the phone number? just in case…. think it’s perfect too if we have a cheese cake :o)

      • kolytyi says:

        And at this point, we arrived at our starting point: how it is possible that I’m not rich? If I were stinking rich, I could afford such a thingy and run to you with it whenever you needed help!

      • I hope you will get rich soon, than you can invite my dad. It was his greatest wish as he was a child to drive a road sweeper or a flusher truck :o)

      • kolytyi says:

        If I were rich I’d buy a fleet consisting of a road sweeper, a flusher truck and a beautiful dustcart for your dad. For you a huge truck for transporting home your treats and toys and for your mom an airplane so that she can visit your grandpawrents easily.

      • Thanks – that’s generous. Please, dear Lottery-Fairy give the jackpot to Kolytyi…

  16. Penelope says:

    Wowzers! Me thinks yous will have MAGIC everyday of the week now that yous has those kitties!

  17. Will and Eko says:

    Hey Easy, think you can work some magic on my tax returns today!?

  18. cecilia07 says:

    Easy what a wonderful and very unique gift. Mom says my head is as hard as a rock.
    hugs madi your BFFF

  19. owyheestar says:

    What cute kitties, and not litterbox mess either. I was born on Thursday, and Cliff on Saturday. No wonder I cannot quell his shopability.

    • They are relly cte :o) Thursday and Saturday could be interesting together, but better than Sunday and Monday :o)

      • owyheestar says:

        I am conflicted. When you read your fortune on the Chinese restaurant placement it never works either. Maybe we should give up after 44 years. (NOT)

      • I think you shouldn’t give up, maybe you only need some fortune kitties :o)

      • owyheestar says:

        hmmmm I think Grandpa Cliff is not talking about about kitties of any kind. He wishes he had some like those instead the pissing Manx crew he has in his downstairs guy room. Oops………..we do love the Manx kitties, and we need them to keep meeces at bay. The Weims cannot keep up here on the farm.

      • hahaha I wish the Manx crew would visit me, we have O.N.E. mouse who drives us crazy. This beast damaged moms easter cake… and the worst thing was: I thought I can eat the damaged cake… but nope, they threw it in the trashcan – how mean!

      • owyheestar says:

        Maybe I have to keep my thoughts to myself about Cliff’s shopping……… hmmmm

  20. Oh your new kitty stones are FABULOUS! I love them…….lucky stones (they must be lucky since they have cats on them!!)……Mom and I loved the information “what day were you born and what it means”……..I have no idea what day I was born but Mom says whenever it was, it was a LUCKY DAY because I was in the shelter and she found me and adopted me! YAY!

    Happy Monday Easy!
    Kitty Hugs, Sam

  21. Two French Bulldogs says:

    How cool! Pet kittens, love them
    Benny & Lily

  22. Love all your kitties. And thanks for the info on the days of the week. With the way today has been going for us, we have to agree that Monday is definitely not a good day.

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  23. The stones are gorgeous, and you are brilliant to name them for the days of the week. I love the facts about each day. Sadly, nobody knows exactly when I was born, but Mom was born on Sunday, like your Dad, so I think I was born on Sunday, too! We’re all ridiculously lucky, after all…..

    Love and licks,

  24. Gizmo says:

    I had wondered why you chose kitties Easy and now it all makes sense…Wise to align yourself with kitty protectors in this day and age of mega mischief…A dog can certainly use all the friends he can get…Especially if he was born on Wednesday…No one knows what day I was born on so I pick Sunday for me since I’m the luckiest dog to have my Momz

    • I agree Gizmo… I can’t believe that I’m the wednesday-guy…. maybe the calendar-guy forgot a leap year? That must be the reason :o) I think you must be a sunday-guy – what’s better than to be together with your mom?

  25. Brian says:

    Those kitties really rock Easy!!! And they are pretty too!

  26. awww, those are so adorable!!!! Hope you had a very very very magic monday my Easy!

  27. Zena says:

    Congrats on the mascats! Loved the days of the week. The Help is rushing off to see what day she was born on….
    Yep Sunday! And she’s a Leo. She should have bucket loads of luck shouldn’t she?

  28. Glad to see that you have all days covered Easy. Gorgeous stones!

  29. Dalton says:

    I feel so much wiser now!

  30. Nylabluesmum says:

    Pawsum stonez Easy!! Me iz gald you won dem n dat dey haz a safe place near yer Mum n you!!! You shure nose alot about dem!!!! Fankz fer da guud read!!! Mum told me she waz born on a Saturday…me wuud like to fink me waz born on a Sunday cuase me LUBZ da sun so much!!! 😉
    All me nose iz we are ‘weekend’ kind of soulz…
    Lub to me sweet easy frum Nylablue n her Mum Sherri-Ellen xoxoxo

    • Wow, then your mom is a shopping-expert… good to know :o) I’m sure you are a sunday-kitty, you are a lucky girl for having such a wonderful furever home:o) I think we all must be born on a sunday :o)

      • Nylabluesmum says:

        Yow Easy…me MUM IZ a bery guud shopper!!!! Me feelz like a Sunday sunny kitteh I can tell you!!!
        Me likez to fink we all born on Sunday too!!!
        Lub Nylablue xo

  31. BOL I thought you were eating them for a minute there Easy!
    I was born on a saturday and I love shopping – or rather the presents other people buy me BOL.

  32. Lee says:

    So life just sucks for everybody that was not born on a Sunday. I think every day should be Sunday we don’t need the rest of the week. I wonder if in the futrue historians and archaeologists will puzzle over your kittie stones.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog
    Sweet William the Scot

    • You’re right everyday should be a sunday, then the stores are closed an mom can’t waste money :o) I’ll bet in 2000 years they will pondering about the stones and I’m sure they will be totally wrong about the purpose :o)

  33. tylersat99 says:

    We will have to have Mom check and find out on what day we were born. We did relax on Friday, that was good and we did so much on Sat. And Sun. That we just rested on Monday too. So we think we are doing ok.
    Congrats on your cats prize from Savannah we think those are very pretty 🙂

  34. We are very jealous you WON 🙂 xxx

  35. Clowie says:

    How lucky you are to have all those Mascats to watch over you! You make the days of the week interesting.

  36. Those are some pretty cool kitties!

  37. Such cute painted rocks to keep you company!

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