… if you maybe remember us?

….after we were silent for a longer time, we missed our friends and we thought, we send a little hello…

life had another challenge for us in its pockets… First da Nelly became sick and he needed ultrasound and very intense spelunkers work, then the vet  saw that there is an infection in his bladder and the PSA level was very high.

He is on meds now and in 10 days we have to come back for a new check. On the positive side, he got a fab intimate shaving and he immediately sent photos to his girl friends…

as if that wasn’t enough we got another ace of spade from the dealer… da Phenny started to cough and to gag out of the blue.  He is on meds too and he goes in together with the nelly for ultrasound and maybe a heart ekg, if needed.

… we hope for the best and we will hang in there…

…and after the health problems are hopefully solved , we would like to come more often, if you want…


About easyweimaraner

Weimaraner /Braque de Weimar, born in 2009, male & fabulous From: Britanny / France Likes: Plushtoy-Shredding, Spikebones,long distance Walks, everyday a Gift, Chicken, Shoes, Underwear, my squeekie Pig & my whole Life Dislikes: Water, Cats, Beaf, Cats, cleaning my Ears, Cats, the Vet, Cats, Snow & CATS! Profession: Student of psychological War-technics & Terrorism, after my Masterdegree i become to rule the world or maybe to be the owner of toys r us. actually i'm not sure... Status: Single Pets: Hell, NO! i prefer a petfree home. but owner of two slaves for my comfy Misc.: Greencardowner for Masterbed, Master of Beggin, Prince of Thiefs We decided to leave Easy's datas as they were... although we lost him in november 2016, he is still with us.... and his little brothers Phenny and Nelly promised to write on not as Easy the weim, but as easy Weimaraner... About us: Mr. Phoenix, born 9/9/2016 a virgo and always clever&smart...Neilson, born 7/28/2017 a leo who thinks he is clever&smart...

46 responses »

  1. I’m so sorry to hear you’ve both been ill. I am writing this from across the Rainbow Bridge, but my Human’s three companions, India, Holly and Tracer are all keeping their paws crossed for you both. Sending much love. xxx

  2. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    It is lovely to see you both again, you have been missed a lot!

    I am sorry you have both been ill and hope the vet gets you better quickly.

    Of course all of your friends want to see you more often!!

  3. Dalton,Benji aka Meezer’s Mews & Terrieristical Woofs says:

    Wow!! Hello!

    We wish under better circumstances….

    But, we will send our bestest POTP for you both..and for your pawrents, too, of coiurse. ll that vet stuff hurts the pockets.

    We sure hope you’ll be feeling much better really soon!

    And YES, we want to see you a lot more whenever its right for you!

  4. Anonymous says:

    I was so happy when I saw your blog pop up in my feed and then I read all this information and I’m not so happy. We have missed you guys a lot and I’m so sorry you’re both ill sending potp and lots of hugs and kisses and well wishes for you to heal quickly. We love you guys

  5. Of course we’re happy to see you again, Phenny and Nelly, but we wished we had heard better news. So sorry you both are ill now, so we send Extra Healing Pawkisses to the both of you and Purrayers to feel better soon🙏🐾😽💞 Ps purromise that you won’t stay away so long anymore, we really missed you😺😸

  6. It is WONDERFUL to have you back! We are so sorry that you have been facing some scary challenges, and we are crossing all our paws, hooves and fingers for you!

    Welcome Back!

    Everyone at The Poupounette!

  7. Boys! We wondered where you disappeared to and now we know you were sick – we’re sorry about that but hope that both of you will be FINE very soon. We know your Mom and Dad will make sure you get the very best of care from the Dog Doc. We’re sending you a big bag of POTP – and hope that soon you will be back to your usual mischief !!

    Hugs and Love, Teddy and Mom Pam

  8. Hari Om

    OMD… is sooooo good to see you boyz again… but what news to bring us. I knew something really big had to have happened for you to bale out like that… I am sending 87 gazillion POTPs your way that the vet attentions will be useful and good.


    Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. Duke says:

    How wonderful to see the both of you but not sick. Paws and fingers are crossed that both of you are back to 100% soon!

  10. And hello to you all. Sorry to hear about health issues. Once all good would be lovely to hear more ❤️

  11. My GBGV Life says:

    We are so happy to see you again. When we said good bye we thought you were taking a vacation, not really quitting blogging and we missed you guys. Hope your health gets better and we would love to see you again more often.

  12. Anonymous says:

    yes, we wannt, we want! And that will mean everyone is well except maybe the pawrents whose wallets are empty. XOX Xena and my pack

  13. Susan from Bucks County says:

    I am so happy to hear from you!!! can’t tell you how much I missed your blog. I am so sorry you boys are under the weather and expect you to be your crazy selves soon! Hope your mom and dad are well. Send you tons of potps and hugs to your pawrents. Xoxo from Susan and Buddy

  14. Susan from Bucks County says:

    oops. I forgot to write: yes we want to hear from you. We are here for you!

  15. grannyK says:

    You have been missed! I am sorry to hear of all of the health issues. I hope the worst is behind you and there will be only good things for a while at least!

  16. agnesmbullock says:

    prayers for my favorite Weimaraner twins!

  17. How timely. Just yesterday I went searching for your blog to see if WordPress stopped sending me notices. Then I was afraid it was goodbye forever! So good to have you back but I’m sorry there are health issues. Sending hugs to everyone at your house! My cat Gus had PU surgery in February and was severely shaved. We wouldn’t let a camera near him for fear of finding him on the dark web.

  18. stanzebla says:

    Wee in a similar situation. We adopted a 13 years old chihuahua from Brigitte Bardot. Griotte is a wonderful little dog and I fell in love with her instantly. She had diabetes and a heart condition and lung fibroma. But then we found out she has also Cushing’s syndrome. Considering Polly our whippet has tracheal collapse for life and needs inhalations every 4 days and Papy our fox terrier has a severe heart condition, the poor health of Griotte was the straw that broke the camel’s (my) back. I had problems to sleep, because I was listening to Griotte’s heavy, rattling breath. I wondered if she would die right away. And I love her so much. I got used to it somehow, I can sleep again. But I’m still not feeling able to interact with social media. I didn’t take photos anymore. But usually I’ll be okay after some time (months, years, who cares). The dogs think they are all completely fine. Papy’s state is slowly deteriorating, though. He’s very happy, very much in love with Polly. I’m the only one who seems to have problems with the possible death of my beloved fur-children.

  19. We’re so happy to see you boys, but wish it were under better circumstances. We have our paws crossed that the vets can help both of you feel better.

  20. Yikes, so sorry to hear about the health problems. We’ll include you in our prayers and send loads of POTP until they kick in. Hugs to you and belly rubs for the dynamic duo. 💙 Thinking of you all.

  21. Youss’ can bet yore ‘sweet bippiess’ wee wanna see youss” again da Phenny an da Nelly an Aunty Katty!!! Yore our Bee-Eff-Eff’ss an wee are furamille….

    Wee been ***purrin*** an purrayin fore healin fore both Wild Weimss! Wee want both of you back inn tippytop shape an bloggin again!!!

    ❤ ❤ an ~~~head rubss~~~ BellaDharma

    ❤ ❤ an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

  22. Lavinia Ross says:

    I am sorry to hear the boys have been ill and I hope their problems will be behind them soon. Sending POTP and much love their way and yours.

  23. It’s lovely to see you boys again! We missed you like crazy. What a bummer that you are having so much time at the vet’s house. Ugh. Mom and I will say prayers for you each day and we have no doubt you will feel better very soon. Prayers and medicine do it every time. It sounds like you are in good hands, and we look forward to hearing the happy news from your follow up. Stay brave, frens.

    Love and licks,


  24. Purrs and prayers to you sweet boys and we hope you are both all better super soon! We’re hopefully you will come back to Blogville because it’s not the same without you here.

  25. Charles Huss says:

    I hope you both get well soon.

  26. We’re sending our best purrs and prayers for both of you. It is sooo great to see you posting. We agree with Angel Brian.

  27. Cecilia Upchurch says:





    • Cecilia Upchurch says:

      My email to you bounced back..

      Katty and Mark and Da Bosses

      Just wanted to say hi again and tell you really and truly how much you have been missed. I am so very sorry Phenny and Nelly have been feeling poorly and you and Mark as well ‘casue when our furries hurt we hurt.

      You made My monday!!  

      Love and Hugs Cecilia

  28. I could never forget you guys. Since “DaWeenies” left for Rainbow Bridge we aren’t active bloggers anymore but still read all the blogs we used to follow back in the day. Sending love, hugs, and lots of POTP for both of you and your pawrents!

  29. Anonymous says:

    OF COURSE, WE WANT!!!!!!! We have really missed you boys and your peeps. We now have to cross our paws for both of you to get well. No sick pups allowed. We were away from the blog for a while and then we had the sad news of losing Lightning. But we are all trying to get happy and be here. Take care and come back soon.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  30. kaciwestie says:

    So glad to see you both again but wish it were better news
    I have an ear infection and Kali has arthritis and has to have a shot once a month. Not fun to get old, kaci

  31. sargon0844 says:

    Welcome Home. So vrry sorry to hear about both of you being unwell and Benji and I send out love and best wishes for your joint recovery. Still , it’s nice to have you back.

  32. Lulu: “Hello boys! It is so good to see you! Nelly, did you get a Brazilian?! Such beefcake!”
    Java Bean: “Ayyy, we have had some exciting times here too since you have been away, with ear problems and stick problems and rattlesnake problems and throwing up problems. See what happens when you take a break? Chaos!”
    Lulu: “I guess that means you have to stick around so things don’t go all sideways again!”

  33. I’m also happy to see you again and I hope you both recover quickly.

  34. I am sooo happy to see you and have missed you all! I am NOT happy to hear that both babies aren’t feeling well. That’s how that “dealer” is……UGH!! I am praying that both of your babies are on the mend soon. I know how hard it is when they are sick. Please keep us posted! Sending much love!

  35. kaciwestie says:

    We have such cute ways of taking money from our mammies pocket
    I have an ear infection and Kali needs months arthritis shots. Keep us informed we love hearing from you

  36. WFT Nobby says:

    Oh gosh we are so sorry you have been having such a difficult time, but thank you for letting us know what’s going on. Paws and fingers crossed that the medical treatments work

    Sending fond hugs,

    Gail and Nobby

  37. So nice to hear from you, but so sorry hear from the health problems with both the boys. This life has its bad days, so we can enjoy the good ones.
    Not been blogging after our only” child” Kosmo had to leave us, but I have been reading blogs now and then, and have been missing you much.
    Wishing you healthy days now, to you all.

  38. Hello there! Nice to see you again, although sorry to hear you both have vet visits. Hoping all is well at your next visit!

  39. Marsha Gay says:

    Great on see you . Sorry for the troubles. We will keep you in our prayers. Obviously you need time with your friends to stay healthy.

  40. The Swiss Cats says:

    Oh no ! Get better soon ! Purrs

  41. JoAnn Stancer says:

    Oh boy you sure have had a rough go at it. I hope nothing serious is going on with both of them. That’s a lot of stress. Did the vet check out nellys prostrate with ultrasound. Intact male dogs can get pretty sick from an inflamed prostrate and it looks like a bladder infection. Antibiotics clear it up. I have to keep gambler on a med called finestride to prevent flare ups. I hope phenny is just a case of kennel cough and nothing more. Hugs and good thoughts coming your way.

    • thanks… yes she did an ultrasound and we got a med for benigne prostata enlargement… it is much better now, we hope psa level is also good when we bring him in again…

  42. 😔hope things get better 🩷

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